Thanks for the clarification, this makes sense, I am forwarding this to Kolmogorov complexity mailing list, since the shortest length into which we can compress is exactly Kolmogorov complexity
From: José Manuel Rodríguez Caballero []
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 4:29 PM
To: Kreinovich, Vladik <>
Cc: Foundations of Mathematics <>
Subject: Re: Asymptotic growth of a non-computable sequence
Kreinovich, Vladik wrote:
Since a(n) has n binary digits, it is between 2^n and 2^{n+1} = 2*2^n, so this is a clear asymptotic
where a(n) = the smallest number having n binary digits, which can't be compressed concerning a fixed Turing machine
I suspect that a(n)/2^n converges to 1 as n goes to infinity.