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Announcing a MOOC on Algorithmic Information

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Jean-Louis Dessalles

Jun 23, 2021, 4:06:37 PM6/23/21

After a long period of preparation, we are proud to announce the imminent availability
of a MOOC on Algorithmic Information (starts July 15th).

  • Why today ?
    Because it's Alan Turing birthday
  • Title:
    Understanding Artificial Intelligence through Algorithmic Information Theory
  • Main purpose:
    to bridge the gap between theory and applications
    Also: to make more people aware of AIT and of its importance
  • Links:
    see the Presentation of the MOOC
    access to the MOOC on the EdX platform

We did our best to find a compromise between rigor and accessibility.
You might consider the MOOC as a tentative popularization of AIT for
students having a bachelor degree in math, computer science, engineering...

The MOOC consists of 5 chapters:

  1. Describing data
  2. Algorithmic Information and Compression
  3. Algorithmic Information and mathematics
  4. Algorithmic Information and machine learning
  5. Algorithmic Information and cognitive science

The content of the 5th chapter might be new to most of you.
(and it is the preferred one among my students).

I hope you'll be curious about the MOOC's content,
and that you will welcome its existence.

When applicable, please recommend the MOOC to your students.
And your advice for improving the MOOC will be appreciated!

Best wishes,

jean-louis Dessalles


    jean-louis Dessalles

Interesting paper on AI:
Dessalles, J.-L. (2019). From reflex to reflection: Two tricks AI could learn from us. Philosophies, 4 (2), 27.



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