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Special Issue on "New Horizons at the Intersections of Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Algorithmic Information Theory" in Physica D

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Marcus Hutter

May 6, 2024, 5:07:22 PM5/6/24
to, Boumediene Hamzi, Boumediene Hamzi, Kamaludin A Dingle

We are pleased to announce an upcoming special issue in Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, dedicated to exploring the cutting-edge intersections of Machine Learning (ML), Dynamical Systems Theory (DST), and Algorithmic Information Theory (AIT).

This special issue aims to foster a rich, multidisciplinary dialogue that uncovers new methodologies, theoretical insights, and practical applications at the confluence of these pivotal areas. Our goal is to push the boundaries of current knowledge and provide innovative tools for the analysis and understanding of complex systems.

Themes and Objectives:
ML for DST: Emphasizing data-driven methodologies to extend the boundaries of the classical theory of dynamical systems.
DST for ML: Applying DST principles to analyze ML algorithms viewed as dynamical systems.
ML for AIT: Employing ML to tackle core problems within AIT, optimizing compression and prediction algorithms.
AIT for ML: Exploring the theoretical underpinnings that predict ML algorithmic performance and limitations.
DST for AIT: Applying DST insights to algorithmic questions in AIT.
AIT for DST: Leveraging algorithmic principles to deepen the understanding of DST.

For more details on this special issue and to view the call for papers, visit:
Submit your manuscripts at: Please select ‘VSI: MLDSAIT’ during submission.
We invite researchers from across these disciplines to contribute their insights and join us in this exciting exploration. Let’s delve into the complex world of ML, DST, and AIT together!
hashtagMachineLearning hashtagDynamicalSystems hashtagAlgorithmicInformationTheory hashtagResearch hashtagCallForPapers

Guest editors:
Dr. Boumediene Hamzi
Dr. Kamal Dingle
Prof. Marcus Hutter
Dr. Qinxiao Li
Dr. Tanya Schmah

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