New Download Tool Available for AQEv2

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Dec 9, 2015, 2:21:38 PM12/9/15
to #AirQualityEgg
Hi all, 

As I mentioned in a separate thread earlier today, I've been working on creating a website that will let you download data your Air Quality Egg has published during a given period of time. I think it's finally ready, and you can get to it by going to Disclaimer: IANAWD* but I did my best to masquerade as one to create this important capability for the community. I sincerely hope it works well and that you all like it.

You can give it a list of Egg Serial numbers and start and end dates (in the Egg's local timezone!) and what you get back is a zip file containing a CSV file for each Serial Number that is a direct analogy to what the Egg outputs in Offline Mode. The Serial Numbers don't even have to represent homogeneous Egg models, which is pretty cool. Be patient after you click download. If you ask for a long period of time, expect it to take a long time to collect and download. I haven't "load tested" the app either, so I haven't the slightest idea how big an ask it can handle without bombing out because of server memory limitations or what have you. I'll be looking forward to hearing praises and/or complaints on that topic from users :-).

Also, I've posted the code for the site on Git-Hub here. If you have any problems using it, please post it there as an issue, or post back to this thread so I can see about fixing it. If you're good at Node.js, I'm happy to accept kind criticism (be gentle!) and pull requests in the repo are welcome as well. Over time, this could become the new as we continue to mitigate "the Xively problem".

The repo has, for your interest, my attempt at pretty minimal Node.js driver for the OpenSensors messages API. When I have some time to figure out how to do the npm thing, it would make sense to break that out into it's own repo and require it instead of embedding it in this app. I'll probably extend it to be more full featured with respect to the OpenSensors REST API as time permits.

Kind Regards,

* IANAWD = I am not a web developer


Dec 13, 2015, 9:09:58 PM12/13/15
to #AirQualityEgg
I just pushed some updates to the download app so that it provides some feedback while a download is in progress so you get more than the spinning GIF. It tells you how many records of your request have been downloaded so far for each serial number, as well as the timestamp on the last record downloaded for each serial number. Feature requests and bug tracking here please. Also feedback is always appreciated!

Kind Regards,

Gerald Nelson

Dec 21, 2015, 6:59:38 PM12/21/15
to #AirQualityEgg

I'm not having any luck guessing how the date should be formatted. Could you add some directions on the site?



Dec 27, 2015, 6:42:12 PM12/27/15
to #AirQualityEgg
Hi Jerry, 

I just pushed a bunch of updates to the Download Tool including:
  • support for duration 
  • better input validations
  • better progress indication during download
  • different zipping method (fixes windows compatibility problem)
  • optionally user-defined zip file name
The start date and end date use html5 input type datetime-local, which is apparently somewhat scattered regarding browser support. For best results, I recommend using Chrome browser. Otherwise, the dates fields must be formatted using ISO-8601 format, and I've added the reference to this on the page as well.

Kind Regards,
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