In this edition of the school, the lecturers and subjects to be addressed are:
Claudia Archetti (ESSEC, University of Brescia) - Efficient solution approaches for the inventory routing problem
Christina Busing (RWTH Aachen University) - Dealing with uncertainty: robustness in combinatorial optimization
Juan-Jose Salazar Gonzalez (Universidad de La Laguna) - Mathematical models for the capacitated vehicle routing problem, and variants
Martin Schmidt (Trier University) - A gentle and incomplete introduction to bilevel optimization
José Valério de Carvalho (Universidade do Minho) - Arc flow formulations based on dynamic programming
The school is part of the activities of the ENOG (European Network Optimization Group).
Potential participants are invited to submit their CVs to the address no later than
October 31.
Further information will be available in the webpage ( (still being updated).