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9th AIROYoung Workshop announcement

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Airo Young

Nov 20, 2024, 7:27:16 AM11/20/24

Dear all AIROYoungers,

We are happy to announce that registration for the 9th AIROYoung Workshop is opening on the 27th of November!

Hurry up to secure a spot and a grant for you! 


Call for Registration and Contributions to the  
9th AIROYoung Workshop 
Shaping a Sustainable Future in the Era of Big Data

University of Pavia
February, 26-28th, 2025 
AIROYoung 2025 - Pavia

With this call, we invite all AIROYoung members, Ph.D. students, and early-stage Researchers (Ph.D. degree <= 5 years) in Operations Research and related topics, or anyone with a strong interest in OR with less than 35 years old to submit an abstract to be presented during the workshop.


ABSTRACT SUBMISSION  - Deadline January 3rd, 2025

Abstracts should be sent by filling the Abstract Registration Form.  Authors may choose to present their work as either a short presentation or as part of the poster session.

Submitted abstracts are limited to one-page length (including references) in PDF format, using the available LatexTemplate in the form. Please name your file as follows: SURNAME_NAME_9AYW.

The acceptance of the contribution will be notified to the author by email by January 20th, 2025.

Please, note that each author can give at most one talk during the event. 

Abstracts accepted for presentation will be notified by email by January 20th, 2024.


Participants submitting an abstract, as well as simple attendees, are required to fill in the
 Workshop Registration Form.

AIROYoung mission is to involve everyone in its events, independently from their funds. For this reason, our events are free for everyone and we work hard to secure some fundings to help with accommodation as well. 

Thanks to the financial support offered by AIRO and our sponsors, we are able to provide 10 GRANTS to cover accommodation expenses for the entire event. Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to participants who:

  • Present their work at the Workshop,
  • Indicate their interest in applying for the grant during the registration process and
  • Are current AIRO members. In order for a grant to be confirmed, it is required to send proof of AIRO membership and travel booking to no later than February 8th, 2025.

Note that you are already an AIRO member if you have registered for ODS 2024 or if you have paid the AIRO registration fee for the year 2025.

More details about AIRO memberships can be found on the AIRO webpage. If you have further questions you can send an email to

The accommodation will be provided in a double room at Hotel Excelsior, with check-in on February 25th and check-out on February 28th. 



-        Prof. Ruth Misener, Department of Computing, Imperial College London

-        Prof. Luca Maria Gambardella, Faculty of Informatics, Università della Svizzera Italiana

-        Prof. Neil Yorke-Smith, Faculty of EEMCS, Delft University of Technology


AIROYoung 2025 - Pavia

Facebook: AIROYoungResearchersChapter 

Instagram: airoyoung 

The Organizing Committee

Ambrogio Bernardelli

Bernardo Forni

Eleonora Vercesi

Gabor Riccardi

Sara Cambiaghi

Simone Milanesi

Davide Duma

Claudio Tomasi

The AIROYoung Board

Matteo Cosmi

Andrea Mancuso

Martina Doneda

Marta Leonina Tessitore

Sara Stoia

Alessandro Druetto

Twitter @Airoyoung
Facebook /AIROYoungResearchersChapter
Instagram @airoyoung
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