Comparative Study / Dr Akshat Pandey

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Dr Akshat Pandey

Sep 3, 2012, 1:19:35 PM9/3/12

           Development of Express Highways and Trauma Care Centers


                                                 In Indian Scenario


           This is with reference to the recently constructed express national

            Highways by the Honorable State Governments in India, for the

            Sole purpose of speedy connectivity and hustle free transport

            From place to another the aim lies good as far as accident does

            Not occur. State Governments are doing really excellent jobs by

            Connecting major cities and metros across India but side by side

            Creating an open space for accidents to happen and casualties to

             Be added to annual tally of Indian Road traffic accidents list.


             We have express highways with very good road management

              But we are lacking an excellent trauma management centers

              Across express highways within approachable limit and well

              Equipped ambulance system backup with across India Toll

              Free number as compared to any of the developed nation


              Basically what constitutes express highways are speedy traffic

              In terms of two wheelers and four wheelers, absence of proper

              Lightening polls, improper traffic sense and accident caused

              Due to above mentioned factors


              To a certain extent accidents on national highways / express

              Highways can be prevented as far as Indian Scenario is

              Concerned by managing fallowing factors –


              1 Control Driving – It applies to all the vehicles running on

              Highways irrespective of personal / private / or any other use


               2 Standing of Vehicles – We have heard a lot about road traffic

               Accidents where a moving vehicle had a head on collision with

               Standing truck / without its light displayed causing casualties

               Right on spot it’s in our hand to display the emergency system

               Of our vehicles if there is technical breakdown and it should be

               Stand away from the road as far as possible as to avoid the

               Impact of road side moving vehicles


               3 Absence of proper lightening – Its being observed on Express

                Highways that there are more toll plazas to collect the money

                As compare to electricity and light polls. This factor affects the

                Safety protocols as laid down by international road safety org.

                Compromising this creates lots of accidents in absence of

                Proper lightening and electric polls and as far as casualties

                Due to this factor can be averted by accurate safety measures


                4 Proper Traffic Sense- Proper traffic sense also constitute an

                Important factor in prevention of Road Traffic accidents. It

                Includes judicial use of safety measures such as helmets for

                Riders; safety belts in cars and other precautions as per the

                Demand. It also include driving sense of vehicles i.e. be in one

                Lane; use of lights when changing the lane; use of horn as per


                Above are the some of important factors which are crucial and

                Critical for prevention of Road traffic injuries and judicial use

                Of above factors can lead to drastic change in reduction of

                Deaths due to it


                Specialized Trauma Centers and its Importance –


                With reference to above mentioned sub heading fallowing are

                Two case scenarios which clearly proves the importance of

                Specialized Trauma Centers across India


                Case 1 – In a first case near Mathura a road traffic accident

                Occurred. It results into two casualties and one person

                Critically injured battling for life at some private hospital

                In Mathura. In this post accident scenario rescue was done by

                Local villagers with the help of some workers of Jaypee Group

                Rescue was compromised as per medical guidelines and in

                Absence of expert medical assistance. Even the transport of

                Injured was compromised in absence of equipped ambulance

                Ethics of Golden Hour Management was compromised in

                Absence of Trauma Center on Highway. Had there was good

                Trauma center available then valuable time in transfer of

                Patients would have been saved and possible two casualties          

                Would have been averted


                Case 2 – In a recent accident near Greater Noida on Delhi

                Agra Express Highway where a BMW car got damaged

                Resulting into injuries to two boys and two girls on board

                No casualties reported since the area has bunch of medical

                Setups / trauma management hospitals near by. Rescue

                Was done and medical aid was provided in time


                Comparative Scenario- Both the case scenario represent the

                Typical dissymmetrical approach of Indian society towards

                Trauma Management In the first case we lack a established     

                Trauma set up and in second we have bunch of hospitals as

                The place is near to metro politan Absence of trauma centers

                In first case scenario causes death and bunch of hospitals in

                Case 2 save lives of injured


                Conclusion – India requires more specialized Trauma centers

                On express Highways. They should either come under public

                 Private partnership or State Government should initiate the

                 Trauma project of India parallel to express Highways. They

                Should also have guidelines at par to National Trauma centers

                As that of AIIMS with proper connectivity to ambulances so

                That Golden Hour should be used judiciary irrespective of

                Trauma obtained. Judiciary use of Golden hour management

                Itself saves lives. Ambulances and their contact number with

                All relative details should be displayed at all glow sign boards

                On express highways. There should be a quick response team

                Specially dedicated for post trauma management on road.


                Hope that concerned attached should think about Trauma

                Services and their importance side by side since it is rightly

                Said by some one “Accident or Trauma can touch any one;

                At any given time and at any given place irrespective of his

                Caste, creed and religion’


                Dr Akshat Pandey

                Life Associate Member – Indian Society for Trauma &

                Acute Care (JPN Apex Trauma Center AIIMS 

                Life Member – Indian Hernia Society AIIMS

                Life Member Society of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic

                Surgeons AIIMS               




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