Announcing a new communication platform

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Sebastiaan Huber

Sep 5, 2023, 9:14:41 AM9/5/23
Dear all,

Today we announce the launch of a new communication channel for AiiDA:

This new platform will replace the various other solutions that are currently in use: the mailing list [1], the Slack workspace [2] and GitHub discussions [3]. All of these suffer from various weaknesses, such as little to no support for code formatting, not being publicly accessible and generally being intimidating to use for (new) users. In addition, having multiple platforms caused valuable information to become dispersed and difficult to find.

The new forum, based on the Discourse open source discussion platform [4], solves these issues by providing a single public space for discussions between AiiDA users and developers, and for users to get support:
  • All data is publicly accessible without the need to create an account. This makes discussions discoverable by search engines.
  • It is easy for new users to contribute to discussions or request support: anyone can sign up (or use a Github account).
  • Discourse is feature rich and users can customise their experience. For example, it can function as a mailing list, sending a regular digest by email.
We encourage all users to start using the Discourse forum as of today. Please direct all your discussions, questions and requests for support there. The GitHub repository remains the location to file bug reports or feature requests by creating an issue [5].
The mailing list will remain open until the end of the year before it is set to read-only.

Happy computing,

The AiiDA Team

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