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Rijan Karkee

Feb 6, 2024, 3:07:17 AMFeb 6
to aiidausers
Dear Developers,

I am a new user to AiiDA.  I want to use aiida-vibroscopy. I have never been to live workshop and I have been following tutorial available on website. 

I have installed it in HPC and verdi status looks like, I hope this is ready to use.
(aiidaENV) rkarkee@ch-fe1:~> verdi status
 ✔ version:     AiiDA v2.5.1
 ✔ config:      /users/rkarkee/.aiida
 ✔ profile:     rkarkee
 ✔ storage:     Storage for 'rkarkee' [open] @ postgresql://aiida_qs_rkarkee_20554bcc4bead70a3479c4ef8d5f1f4e:***@localhost:5432/rkarkee_rkarkee_20554bcc4bead70a3479c4ef8d5f1f4e / DiskObjectStoreRepository: 7ef673c3acf444d2ac6ff9f6c839a15f | /users/rkarkee/.aiida/repository/rkarkee/container
 ✔ rabbitmq:    Connected to RabbitMQ v3.8.14 as amqp://guest:gu...@
 ✔ daemon:      Daemon is running with PID 196463
(aiidaENV) rkarkee@ch-fe1:~>

My first question is how do I submit job in HPC cluster for AiiDA? 
For example, whenever I run pw.x in HPC, I have the following job script. How do I run AiiDA in a job script? 
Is it like I need to create a python file and run it inside the job script?

#SBATCH --time=6:30:00   # walltime
#SBATCH --nodes=1   # number of nodes
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=256   # number of tasks per node
#SBATCH --job-name=HfTe5   # job name
#SBATCH --partition=standard   # partition name
#SBATCH --no-requeue   # do not requeue when preempted and on node failure
#SBATCH --signal=30@20  # send signal to job at [seconds] before end
module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-intel
module load cmake

#srun -n 256   /users/rkarkee/q-e-qe-7.3/bin/pw.x -pd .true.    < &> scf.out

And how can I create a python file for the following pw.x input (
I want to use pseudopotential from /lustre/scratch4/turquoise/rkarkee/pbe_pseudo

    calculation = 'scf'
    pseudo_dir  = '/lustre/scratch4/turquoise/rkarkee/pbe_pseudo'
        outdir       = './'
        prefix = 'scf'
        tprnfor = .true.
    tstress = .true.
    ecutwfc     =  70,
    ibrav       = 0,
    nat         = 12,
    ntyp        = 2,
noncolin = .true.

    conv_thr         =  1.00000e-10
    electron_maxstep = 200
    mixing_beta      =  0.2
    diagonalization  = "david"
K_POINTS {automatic}
4 4 2  1 1 1
Hf     178.49  Hf.upf
Te      127.60  Te.upf
 1.98619742   7.132231003  0.
 -1.986197815  7.132230891  0.
  0.           0.          13.586526936

Hf            0.3184997032        0.3184997302        0.7499999470
Hf            0.6815000238        0.6815000678        0.2499999640
Te            0.6625100716        0.6625100596        0.7499999470
Te            0.3374897664        0.3374897594        0.2499999640
Te            0.9351348779        0.9351349339        0.8531524632
Te            0.0648648561        0.0648648571        0.3531525342
Te            0.9351348779        0.9351349339        0.6468473588
Te            0.0648648561        0.0648648571        0.1468474118
Te            0.7919052147        0.7919052377        0.4336792513
Te            0.2080945513        0.2080945543        0.9336791443
Te            0.7919052147        0.7919052377        0.0663207087
Te            0.2080945513        0.2080945543        0.5663206417

Lorenzo Bastonero

Feb 6, 2024, 12:25:02 PMFeb 6
to aiidausers
Dear Rijan,

Thanks a lot for the interest in using AiiDA and aiida-vibroscopy.

There is also this other tutorial webpage for aiida tutorials, with more extended tutorials specific to aiida-quantumespresso:
So, I'd suggest you to follow this one in case you didn't find it before, as it would answer most of your questions.

In the following some pointers that may be useful after you would follow the tutorials, but then feel free to come back again for any further explanations.

- Aiida-vibroscopy uses workflows provided by aiida-quantumespresso, which handles `pw.x` workflows with error handling features - namely the `PwBaseWorkChain`. This is the one you should use. To use it, you need to define a `computer` and a `code`.

- The  `computer`, which in you case would be your HPC, contains info regarding how to connect to that computer (e.g. ssh info, host name, etc). Please have a look here for a more details:
You should achieve this with the following yaml file (save it as e.g. `computer.yaml`):
hostname: <PLEASE ADD HOSTNAME> # for example for LUMI-G supercomputer; in your case it can also be a resolved address like
transport: core.ssh
scheduler: core.slurm
work_dir: "/scratch/path/to/my_aiida_runs/" # PLEASE CHANGE HERE AS YOU WISH
mpirun_command: "srun -n {tot_num_mpiprocs}" # leave it like this, so that `{tot_num_mpiprocs}` can be changed dynamically, e.g. in case you have other partitions on the same cluster
mpiprocs_per_machine: 256 # your default number of mpiprocs on the default partition
And then from the console:
verdi computer setup --config computer.yaml
Verify it work via 
verdi computer test hpc

- Second, you have to create a `code`, which instead contains the information regarding the code only itself _on a specific `computer`_, e.g. how to load the needed modules before the execution, where is the binary, etc. Please have a look here instead for how to set up a code on top of a computer:
You should achieve this with the following yaml file (save it as e.g. `code.yaml`):
label: 'qe-7.3'
description: 'quantum_espresso v7.3'
default_calc_job_plugin: ''
filepath_executable: '/users/rkarkee/q-e-qe-7.3/bin/pw.x'
computer: 'hpc'
prepend_text: |

    module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-intel
    module load cmake
append_text: ' '
And then install it in AiiDA:
verdi code create core.code.installed --config code.yaml

You should obtain after these steps a code, in this example it would be called `pw-7.3@hpc`. You can verify you have your code using `verdi code list`. The preparation of sbatch script, input file, parsing etc is all done by AiiDA, so you don't have to worry anymore about all these details. You just need to specify the code `pw-7.3@hpc`.
Once you have this code, then all the other info regarding the scheduler would come later. In AiiDA, these information (e.g. walltime, number of nodes, ...) are passed to the `CalcJob` (in this case `PwCalculation`) via the `metadata.options` namespace. In your case, this can be achieved by specifying in the `PwBaseWorkChain` the `metadata.options` for the `PwCalculation`. If you are familiar with the builder, then you would have something like the following:
from import PwBaseWorkChain
builder = PwBaseWorkChain.get_builder() = {
  'resources': {'num_machines':1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 256, 'num_cores_per_mpiproc': 1},
  'max_wallclock_seconds': 43200, # walltime in seconds
  'queue_name': 'standard',
The code would be specified via:
from aiida.orm import * = load_code('pw-7.3@hpc')

- For specific pw parallelization options, these are specified in the settings:
``` = Dict({'cmdline':['-pd', '.true.', '-nk', '4']}) # mind that everything should be a string, even numbers!

- For the structure, you need to create a `StructureData` instance. A possible way would be to use:
from aiida import load_profile

from import read
from aiida.orm import *

atoms = read('/path/to/input.pwi') # here I mean the QE pw.x input you just showed
structure = StructureData(ase=atoms)
This last step would print a number (the "PK"); save it somewhere so you can load again the structure information. For instance, in this way:
from aiida import load_profile

from aiida.orm import *

structure = load_node(PK) # PK is an integer number

- The pseudopotentials in AiiDA are not taken from some folder in the HPC, instead they are each time loaded ("copy/pasted") on the `computer`. As such, you can define a group where you store (in AiiDA) all you pseudos, like if you had them in a folder. Please, have a look here:
For instance:
aiida-pseudo install family /path/to/pseudo_folder/ MyPseudos -P pseudo.upf
Then you would load the pseudos from you structure as follows:
from aiida.orm import *

structure = load_node(PK)
pseudo_family = load_group('MyPseudos')
pseudos = pseudo_family.get_pseudos(structure=structure)

builder = PwBaseWorkChain.get_builder() = structure = pseudos

A possible final python script would be:
from aiida import load_profile
from aiida.orm import *
from aiida.engine import submit


builder = PwBaseWorkChain.get_builder()

structure = load_node(PK)
code = load_code('pw-7.3@hpc')
pseudo_family = load_group('MyPseudos')
pseudos = pseudo_family.get_pseudos(structure=structure)
kpoints = KpointsData()

settings = {'cmdline':['-pd', '.true.', '-nk', '4']}
parameters = { # note: prefix, pseudos, and others are controlled by the plugin automatically!
  'CONTROL': {
    'tprnfor': True,
    'tstress': True,
  'SYSTEM': { # note: ibrav, nat, ntyp are controlled by the plugin automatically!
    'ecutwfc': 70,
    'lspinorb': True,
    'noncolin': True,
    'vdw_corr': 'Grimme-D2',
    'conv_thr': 1.0e-10
    'electron_maxstep': 200,
    'mixing_beta':  0.2,
    'diagonalization': 'david',

builder.clean_workdir = Bool(False) # whether to remove the work directory after the run is finished
builder.kpoints = kpoints = structure = pseudos = code = Dict(parameters) = Dict(settings) = {
  'resources': {'num_machines':1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 256, 'num_cores_per_mpiproc': 1},
  'max_wallclock_seconds': 43200, # walltime in seconds
  'queue_name': 'standard',

calc = submit(builder) # submit to aiida and run the workflow!

print(f'Launched a PwBaseWorkChain with PK = {}') # register the PK and save it (e.g. in the same script); after it finishes, you can inspect the outputs
You can launch this script by simply `python`, where `` is a file containing the previous lines.

This can also be done via the `get_builder_from_protocol` method, which provides an easy way to fill the builder automatically, and then overrides the inputs you need (and very useful for more complex and nested inputs of aiida-vibroscopy - for vibroscopy workflows, have a look at its docs:
from aiida import load_profile
from aiida.orm import *
from aiida.engine import submit
from aiida_quantumespresso.common.types import ElectronicType
import yaml


with open('/path/to/overrides.yaml', 'r') as handle:
  overrides = yaml.safe_load(handle)

structure = load_node(PK)
code = load_code('pw-7.3@hpc')
pseudo_family = load_group('MyPseudos')
pseudos = pseudo_family.get_pseudos(structure=structure)
kpoints = KpointsData()

overrides['pw']['pseudos'] = pseudos # need to specifically override pseudos
overrides['kpoints'] = kpoints # need to specifically override kpoints

kwargs = {'electronic_type': ElectronicType.INSULATOR} # this puts fixed occupations

builder = PwBaseWorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol(code=code, structure=structure, overrides=overrides, **kwargs)

print(f'Launched a PwBaseWorkChain with PK = {}') # register the PK and save it (e.g. in the same script); after it finishes, you can inspect the outputs
Where `overrides.yaml` is a yaml file containing your inputs :
clean_workdir: False
max_iterations: 10
conv_thr_per_atom: 1.e-11 
            ecutwfc: 70
            ecutrho: 280
            lspinorb: True
            noncolin: True
            vdw_corr: Grimme-D2
            mixing_beta: 0.2
            electron_maxstep: 200
            diagonalization: davidson
        cmdline: ['-pd', '.true.', '-nk', '4']
                num_machines: 1
                num_mpiprocs_per_machine: 256
            max_wallclock_seconds: 43200  # Twelve hours
            queue_name: standard
As you see, the script will be much shorter, and you can separate better the inputs, so it's easier to change and resubmit the calculations.

Side note: please, consider to repost the same question on the Aiida Discourse channel, now the favoured communication channel, so that also other people can see this thread, thanks!

Hope this is useful.


Rijan Karkee

Feb 7, 2024, 3:40:08 PMFeb 7
Hi Lorenzo,

Thanks for the detailed instructions. 

I was unable to configure the computer. I followed the setup process as you suggested but it looks like it is looking for ssh. 
I am working in the home directory of HPC where I have installed AiiDA, Python etc in the home directory. So can AiiDA be run in the home directory of HPC or we install in local computer and try to run via there? Any suggestions on this?



Creating the setup:
(aiidaENV) rkarkee@ch-fe1:~> verdi computer setup
Report: enter ? for help.
Report: enter ! to ignore the default and set no value.
Computer label: hpc
Description []: LANL_HPC
Transport plugin: core.ssh
Scheduler plugin: core.slurm
Shebang line (first line of each script, starting with #!) [#!/bin/bash]: #!/bin/bash
Work directory on the computer [/scratch/{username}/aiida/]: /lustre/scratch4/turquoise/rkarkee/AiiDA
Mpirun command [mpirun -np {tot_num_mpiprocs}]: srun -n {tot_num_mpiprocs}
Default number of CPUs per machine: 256
Default amount of memory per machine (kB).:
Default amount of memory per machine (kB).: 51765
Escape CLI arguments in double quotes [y/N]: y
Success: Computer<2> hpc created
Report: Note: before the computer can be used, it has to be configured with the command:
Report:   verdi -p rkarkee computer configure core.ssh hpc
Configuring the setup:
(aiidaENV) rkarkee@ch-fe1:~> verdi -p rkarkee computer configure core.ssh hpc
Report: enter ? for help.
Report: enter ! to ignore the default and set no value.
User name [rkarkee]:
Port number [22]:
Look for keys [Y/n]: n
SSH key file []:
Connection timeout in s [60]:
Allow ssh agent [Y/n]: y
SSH proxy jump []:
SSH proxy command []:
Compress file transfers [Y/n]: y
GSS auth [False]:
GSS kex [False]:
GSS deleg_creds [False]:
GSS host []:
Load system host keys [Y/n]:
Key policy (RejectPolicy, WarningPolicy, AutoAddPolicy) [RejectPolicy]:
Use login shell when executing command [Y/n]:
Connection cooldown time (s) [30.0]:
Report: Configuring computer hpc for user
Success: hpc successfully configured for
Testing if it works:
(aiidaENV) rkarkee@ch-fe1:~> verdi computer test hpc
Report: Testing computer<hpc> for user<>...
* Opening connection... Error: Error connecting to '' through SSH: [SshTransport] Server '' not found in known_hosts, connect_args were: {'username': 'rkarkee', 'port': 22, 'look_for_keys': False, 'key_filename': '', 'timeout': 60, 'allow_agent': True, 'proxy_jump': '', 'proxy_command': '', 'compress': True, 'gss_auth': False, 'gss_kex': False, 'gss_deleg_creds': False, 'gss_host': ''}
[FAILED]: Error while trying to connect to the computer
  Use the `--print-traceback` option to see the full traceback.
Warning: 1 out of 0 tests failed

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Lorenzo Bastonero

Feb 7, 2024, 4:06:23 PMFeb 7
Dear Rijan,

If you have AiiDA already on the cluster, then you don’t have to configure an ssh computer configuration, but a local computer instead.

It is very simple, you should just change the following two lines:
hostname: localhost
transport: core.local


Lorenzo Bastonero

Rijan Karkee

Feb 7, 2024, 4:28:15 PMFeb 7
Hi Lorenzo,

I did that but now got a new error:

(aiidaENV) rkarkee@ch-fe2:~> verdi computer setup --config computer.yaml
Report: enter ? for help.
Report: enter ! to ignore the default and set no value.
Shebang line (first line of each script, starting with #!) [#!/bin/bash]: #!/bin/bash
Default amount of memory per machine (kB).: 51765
Escape CLI arguments in double quotes [y/N]: N
Critical: Could not connect to database: (psycopg2.OperationalError) connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused
        Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
(Background on this error at:
(aiidaENV) rkarkee@ch-fe2:~>

Lorenzo Bastonero

Feb 7, 2024, 4:39:50 PMFeb 7

This seems to be Postgres that has been shut down. Could you please post this question on AiiDA Discourse (
This is the recommended communication channel, so that people can see also this question.

In the meantime, you might try this command:
pg_ctl start -l logfile

Since this is more of an aiida-core questions, and since I am not directly an aiida-core developer, but a plugin developer (i.e. developer of aiida-quantumespresso, aiida-vibroscopy, etc that use aiida-core), then I would recommend if you open a new thread, e.g. on AiiDA Discourse. You will get much quicker answers there as well!


Lorenzo Bastonero

Rijan Karkee

Feb 12, 2024, 1:03:26 PMFeb 12
Hi Lorenzo,

I talked to aiida.discourse  group and figured out the solution to that issue. 

I configured computer.yaml and code.yaml

I am creating a python file

I have a few questions regarding your earlier suggestions.

I did run the following first:
First I created as
from aiida import load_profile

from import read
from aiida.orm import *

atoms = read('/path/to/input.pwi') # here I mean the QE pw.x input you just showed
structure = StructureData(ase=atoms)

I got pk:3 as output

So I need to use this pk number right? Also do I need to do this step everytime even for same input?

I tried to setup pseudo potential using aiida-pseudo install family /path/to/pseudo_folder/ MyPseudos -P pseudo.upf
I always got some error on this (may I am doing this wrong). 

I have inside /users/rkarkee/pseudo the following pseudopotentials:
Hf.upf Te.upf Hf_FR.upf  Te_Fr.upf

I tried following but in both case got errors as:
(aiidaENV) rkarkee@ch-fe1:~/pseudo> aiida-pseudo install family /users/rkarkee/pseudo/ LDA Hf.upf
Usage: aiida-pseudo install family [OPTIONS] ARCHIVE LABEL
Try 'aiida-pseudo install family -h' for help.
Error: Got unexpected extra argument (Hf.upf)
(aiidaENV) rkarkee@ch-fe1:~/pseudo> aiida-pseudo install family /users/rkarkee/pseudo/ LDA
Report: creating a pseudopotential family from directory `/users/rkarkee/pseudo`... [FAILED]
Critical: `<class ''>` constructor did not define the element and could not parse a valid element symbol from the filename `{filename}` either. It should have the format `ELEMENT.EXTENSION`

How do I do this correctly?


Lorenzo Bastonero

Feb 12, 2024, 1:16:30 PMFeb 12

So I need to use this pk number right?

Exactly, that is now stored in your database with that PK. So anytime you do `load_node(3)`, this will return the structure data you just stored.

Also do I need to do this step everytime even for same input?

Thanks to the database, and the provenance, you will not have to. You can just record somewhere the PK, and reuse it in other calculations. Of course, this will _stay_ as it is. So, if you perform a vc-relax with Quantum ESPRESSO for example, you may want to take the output structure instead, which will have a new PK.

Just for you information: you can put relevant nodes that you need in “Group”s, that work more or less as folders. So, in case you lost your PK, you can still look up into the group. Moreover, it is usually wise to give some proper `label` and `description`. You can even add extra information via `node.base.extras.set(‘key’, value)` if you need to keep something. Note that extras can be modified, unlike attributes (that you can get using e.g. node.base.attributes.all).

I tried to setup pseudo potential using aiida-pseudo install family /path/to/pseudo_folder/ MyPseudos -P pseudo.upf
I always got some error on this (may I am doing this wrong). 

I have inside /users/rkarkee/pseudo the following pseudopotentials:
Hf.upf Te.upf Hf_FR.upf  Te_Fr.upf

I tried following but in both case got errors as:
(aiidaENV) rkarkee@ch-fe1:~/pseudo> aiida-pseudo install family /users/rkarkee/pseudo/ LDA Hf.upf
Usage: aiida-pseudo install family [OPTIONS] ARCHIVE LABEL
Try 'aiida-pseudo install family -h' for help.
Error: Got unexpected extra argument (Hf.upf)
(aiidaENV) rkarkee@ch-fe1:~/pseudo> aiida-pseudo install family /users/rkarkee/pseudo/ LDA
Report: creating a pseudopotential family from directory `/users/rkarkee/pseudo`... [FAILED]
Critical: `<class ''>` constructor did not define the element and could not parse a valid element symbol from the filename `{filename}` either. It should have the format `ELEMENT.EXTENSION`

How do I do this correctly?

As you can see from the error message, your files need to be in the format `ELEMENT.EXTENSION`, and of course you should not have more than one pseudo per element. You should create two pseudo families, hence two folders as well. So, for instance, just rename `Hf_FR.upf` to `Hf.FR.upf` and move it in an other folder (same operation for Te). Then you should be good to go.


Rijan Karkee

Feb 12, 2024, 1:59:22 PMFeb 12
Hi Lorenzo,

Thanks for a quick reply. 

I got confused. 

When we do the actual code, we call pseudopotential through 
pseudo_family = load_group('MyPseudos') 

In this case, MyPseudos is the label that we use in command aiida-pseudo install family <Folder_to_Hf_pseudopotential>  MyPseudo 

Then in my input file I also need to use Te.upf but 
when I did command aiida-pseudo install family <Folder_to_Te_pseudopotential>  MyPseudo
It says MyPseudo already exists. 

I am confused what exactly we're doing here. Are we copying all required pseudopotentials in a common label or do we need to call different label in  here?
pseudo_family = load_group('MyPseudos_2')  here MyPsedos_2 is for Te.upf


Lorenzo Bastonero

Feb 12, 2024, 3:21:00 PMFeb 12
So, the idea is that you have a *group* of pseudo potentials, i.e. a *pseudofamily*. In that group, in principle all the elements will have its own pseudo potential (that should be generated in the same way technically). Then, all the pseudos, e.g. needed for a structure, can be loaded from it as I already wrote:
structure = load_node(PK)
pseudo_family = load_group('MyPseudos')
pseudos = pseudo_family.get_pseudos(structure=structure)
In your case, create two folders:

- - PseudosSR
    |_ Te.upf
    |_ Hf.upf
    |_ (… in principle for all the elements, but not necessarily)
- - PseudosFR
    |_ Te.FR.upf
    |_ Hf.FR.upf 
    |_ (… in principle for all the elements, but not necessarily)

And do aiida-pseudo for each of them, e.g. calling them with the same name of the folder, or as you wish (possibly something significant to where you took the pseudos).
If they are from PseudoDojo, consider the fact that there is already the possibility of downloading and creating the pseudo family group directly. 

Please, see instruction on the aiida-pseudo docs in case.



Lorenzo Bastonero

Rijan Karkee

Feb 12, 2024, 4:05:39 PMFeb 12
Hi Lorenzo,

Like you said I did create a folder and was successful in doing aiida-pseudo install .... 
as shown below.

(aiidaENV) rkarkee@ch-fe1:~> aiida-pseudo install family PseudosSR LDA_pseudo
Report: creating a pseudopotential family from directory `PseudosSR`... [OK]
Success: installed `LDA_pseudo` containing 2 pseudopotentials
Then I ran (description shown below) but I think it has problem finding pseudopotential.

(aiidaENV) rkarkee@ch-fe1:/lustre/scratch4/turquoise/rkarkee> python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/lustre/scratch4/turquoise/.mdt5/rkarkee/", line 40, in <module> = pseudos
  File "/users/rkarkee/conda/envs/aiidaENV/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiida/engine/processes/", line 120, in __setattr__
    raise ValueError(f'invalid attribute value {validation_error.message}')
ValueError: invalid attribute value Invalid type <class ''> for dynamic port value: expected (<class ''>, <class ''>) file is as:
from aiida import load_profile
from aiida.orm import *
from aiida.engine import submit
from import PwBaseWorkChain
builder = PwBaseWorkChain.get_builder()
structure = load_node(3)
code = load_code('qe-7.3@newhpc')
pseudo_family = load_group('LDA_pseudo')
pseudos = pseudo_family.get_pseudos(structure=structure)
kpoints = KpointsData()
settings = {'cmdline':['-pd', '.true.', '-nk', '4']}
parameters = { # note: prefix, pseudos, and others are controlled by the plugin automatically!
  'CONTROL': {
    'tprnfor': True,
    'tstress': True,
  'SYSTEM': { # note: ibrav, nat, ntyp are controlled by the plugin automatically!
    'ecutwfc': 70,
    'lspinorb': True,
    'noncolin': True,
    'vdw_corr': 'Grimme-D2',
    'conv_thr': 1.0e-10,
    'electron_maxstep': 200,
    'mixing_beta':  0.2,
    'diagonalization': 'david',
builder.clean_workdir = Bool(False) # whether to remove the work directory after the run is finished
builder.kpoints = kpoints = structure = pseudos = code = Dict(parameters) = Dict(settings) = {
  'resources': {'num_machines':1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 256, 'num_cores_per_mpiproc': 1},
  'max_wallclock_seconds': 43200, # walltime in seconds
  'queue_name': 'standard',
calc = submit(builder) # submit to aiida and run the workflow!
print(f'Launched a PwBaseWorkChain with PK = {}') # register the PK and save it (e.g. in the same script); after it finishes, you can inspect the outputs

Lorenzo Bastonero

Feb 12, 2024, 4:10:49 PMFeb 12
This is because Quantum ESPRESSO accepts only UPF format, and aiida-quantumespresso expects the corresponding data type, i.e. UpfData, and not PseudoPotentialData.
This is easily achieved by adding `-P pseudo.upf` when generating your family. See also here:

I hope this time everything goes smoothly.



Lorenzo Bastonero

Rijan Karkee

Feb 12, 2024, 4:17:59 PMFeb 12
Yes Thanks.

I think it did work. 
after python

It says:
Launched a PwBaseWorkChain with PK=14

I dont see any queues in hpc. 
Where do I check if it ran successfully/ outputs?


Lorenzo Bastonero

Feb 12, 2024, 4:21:46 PMFeb 12
Very good!

It will give you all the information needed about running and inspecting *any* AiiDA WorkChain.


Lorenzo Bastonero

Lorenzo Bastonero

Feb 12, 2024, 4:26:43 PMFeb 12
PS: you can find the following commands useful to inspect `PwCalculation` (but in general any CalcJob)

verdi calcjob gotocomputer (goes to the folder where the calculation was submitted and run)
verdi calcjob outputcat (it prints the output of the main calculation, if any)
verdi calcjob inputcat (it prints the input of the main calculation - useful to see if there is what you expect)


Lorenzo Bastonero

Rijan Karkee

Feb 12, 2024, 4:32:29 PMFeb 12

one final question.

The main idea of using aiida was to do Raman (in my case) (both polarized and unpolarized at different temperature at different functionals.

In the same,
what else do I need to add to achieve this?

I read the tutorial on aiida-vibroscopy. Can I add the following in the same for Raman?
And with that Ramanbuilder (shown below) does it calculate polarized Raman as well as temperature dependent Raman?

from aiida.plugins import WorkflowFactory
from aiida.engine import run_get_node
IRamanSpectraWorkChain = WorkflowFactory("vibroscopy.spectra.iraman")

builder = IRamanSpectraWorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol(
results, calc = run_get_node(builder)
Do I run the following in separate .py file or it can be in same
from aiida_vibroscopy.utils.plotting import get_spectra_plot

vibro = calc.outputs.vibrational_data.numerical_accuracy_4
polarized_intensities, unpolarized_intensities, frequencies_pbesol, labels = vibro.run_powder_raman_intensities(frequency_laser=532, temperature=300)

total_intensities_pbesol =  polarized_intensities + unpolarized_intensities
plt = get_spectra_plot(frequencies_pbesol, total_intensities_pbesol)

Lorenzo Bastonero

Feb 12, 2024, 5:07:50 PMFeb 12
I suggest you to run the main script where you have `results, calc = run_get_node(builder)` separately, save the PK, and use the other part of the code to post-process the generated data. The IRamanSpectraWorkChain will take a while to complete.

Some suggestions:

- probably you need to use your pseudos. Hence, in the script you will need to override the pseudos. This should be done with the following:
[…code we already saw in the previous email to load pseudos] = pseudos = pseudos

- remember to put your code, so change the line `code=data.pw_code` with `code=load_code(‘your_pw_code@somewhere’)`

- if you need other  functionals a part from LDA/GGA, then you need also to specify in the pw parameters. See e.g. here how to customise your inputs:
For the functional, the QE input is SYSTEM -> input_dft (see here

- use the submit as in the script I sent you, namely:
from aiida.engine import submit
calc = submit(builder)
print(f‘Launched WorkChain with pk {}’)
Record the pk, and if it finished correctly, then proceed to the post-processing, and add `calc = load_node(PK)`, PK of the IRamanSpectraWorkChain that you just run.

- other post-processing, once the IRamanSpectraWorkChain is finished correctly, can be found here:



Lorenzo Bastonero

Rijan Karkee

Feb 12, 2024, 6:18:34 PMFeb 12
Hi Lorenzo,

Just as I understood correctly, for running a Raman would be similar to scf calculation
For example, would the following code works?

I want to do Raman calculation with my desired K-mesh, some other parameters like Grimme-D2 etc (like the one I showed in earlier. How do I tell this code to do this? 

Does the following look right? 
Also I think this calculation may take longer time and I may have to restart time to time until everything is finished. How can I do that?

I am also confused because there are two builder ( one for Raman and one for Pw).

from aiida import load_profile
from aiida.orm import *
from aiida.engine import submit
from import PwBaseWorkChain

from aiida.plugins import WorkflowFactory
from aiida.engine import run_get_node

IRamanSpectraWorkChain = WorkflowFactory("vibroscopy.spectra.iraman")

structure = load_node(3)
code = load_code('qe-7.3@newhpc')
pseudo_family = load_group('LDA_pseudo')
pseudos = pseudo_family.get_pseudos(structure=structure)

builder = IRamanSpectraWorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol(

) = pseudos = pseudos

results, calc = run_get_node(builder)

Lorenzo Bastonero

Feb 13, 2024, 8:04:10 AMFeb 13

Indeed, you don't need the second one, i.e. the PwBaseWorkChain. the IRamanSpectraWorkChain calls the PhononWorkChain and the DielectricWorkChain, which call themselves nested PwBaseWorkChain. The `get_builder_from_protocol` fills all the inputs for you, so that you just need to readjust some of them.
I now pushed some examples scripts on the code repository, so you can try use one of them, or try mixing them as well. They are at this link:

Before submitting, you can comment `calc = submit(builder)` and write `print(builder)` to verify all the inputs look as you expect, or just copy/paste the code in the `verdi shell` or in a `jupyter notebook`.
The nested input structure of each available workchain (aka workflow) of the plugin are available here:

Just be aware that these are more advanced workflows, so it would maybe good if you start e.g. with a PwRelaxWorkChain (look here for the input structure:, so that you get accustomed with running simpler AiiDA workflows first.

Hope you get the gist of it. Eventually, the builder is needed to fill all the inputs that you can find where I pointed you previously. The `get_builder_from_protocol` is a quicker way to get you started with the calculations, filling all the inputs for you. But you can always customize all the inputs via `builder.[...]`. Try it yourself in a `verdi shell` or better in a jupyter notebook.



Rijan Karkee

Feb 13, 2024, 11:50:56 AMFeb 13
Hi Lorenzo,

I see those examples are very useful and instructive.

One thing I missed there.

If I dont use overrides.yaml (other method)
where or how do I tell  the job submission? Like we did  in previous conversations?
Also, I guess in my machine  mpirun does not work and has to start with srun. How can I fix so that it submit job with srun? = {
  'resources': {'num_machines':1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 256, 'num_cores_per_mpiproc': 1},
  'max_wallclock_seconds': 43200, # walltime in seconds
  'queue_name': 'standard',

Lorenzo Bastonero

Feb 13, 2024, 12:04:30 PMFeb 13
Happy that those help.

I would suggest you use the overrides, and simply add for each section you see the options you want to specify, and then remove everything else (although I bet you need to overrides to e.g. specify ecutwfc, ecutrho, vdw_corr, etc).
Regarding the command srun: this should be instructed at the `computer` level. So you need to set the computer node specifications accordingly.

Rijan Karkee

Feb 13, 2024, 12:10:35 PMFeb 13

In overrides.yaml, If I need to specify K-points as 4 4 2 1 1 1, 
How do I add ? Does the following would work?

And I do not see the way to tune ph.x parameters here.  For example, tr2_ph, etc

    kpoints_distance: 0.4 # kpoints distance in Angstrom^-1 to sample the BZ
    kpoints_force_parity: false
    max_iterations: 5
          max_wallclock_seconds: 43200
            num_machines: 1
            num_mpiprocs_per_machine: 1
          # queue_name: partition_name # for SLURM
          # account: account_name # for SLURM, also for project etc
          withmpi: true
          conv_thr: 2.0e-12
          electron_maxstep: 80
          mixing_beta: 0.4
          ecutrho: 240.0
          ecutwfc: 30.0

         4 4 2 1 1 1

Lorenzo Bastonero

Feb 13, 2024, 12:20:43 PMFeb 13
You can have a look to the other scripts where I show how to use custom kpoint grids. It should be fairly easy to merge the two files. 

The ph.x is not used in this workflow, only pw.x. I suggest you maybe to have a look to our preprint paper:
It exploits finite difference and finite electric fields. It doesn't use DFPT (aka ph.x), since ph.x can only do LDA and NC. 
The methodology implemented allow you to use any functional, but not via ph.x.

Hope this clarifies the confusion. If you want to use ph.x with LDA+NC, then you can use PwBaseWorkChain --> PhBaseWorkChain, but it's not yet implemented such workflow in aiida-vibroscopy as it has limited applicability (only LDA and NC pseudo).

Rijan Karkee

Feb 13, 2024, 1:16:13 PMFeb 13

I am trying to run the code. I got the error I guess it did not recognize the pseudopotential.  I have pseudo potential label as pbe_psp. I just combined other codes into (please find below).

(aiidaENV) rkarkee@ch-fe1:/lustre/scratch5/rkarkee> python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/users/rkarkee/conda/envs/aiidaENV/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiida_quantumespresso/workflows/pw/", line 161, in get_builder_from_protocol
    pseudo_family = orm.QueryBuilder().append(pseudo_set, filters={'label': pseudo_family}).one()[0]
  File "/users/rkarkee/conda/envs/aiidaENV/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiida/orm/", line 1105, in one
    raise NotExistent('No result was found')
aiida.common.exceptions.NotExistent: No result was found
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/lustre/scratch5/.mdt0/rkarkee/", line 85, in <module>
  File "/lustre/scratch5/.mdt0/rkarkee/", line 49, in main
    builder = IRamanSpectraWorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol(
  File "/users/rkarkee/conda/envs/aiidaENV/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiida_vibroscopy/workflows/spectra/", line 113, in get_builder_from_protocol
    phonon = PhononWorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol(
  File "/users/rkarkee/conda/envs/aiidaENV/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiida_vibroscopy/workflows/phonons/", line 258, in get_builder_from_protocol
    scf = PwBaseWorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol(
  File "/users/rkarkee/conda/envs/aiidaENV/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiida_quantumespresso/workflows/pw/", line 163, in get_builder_from_protocol
    raise ValueError(
ValueError: required pseudo family `SSSP/1.3/PBEsol/efficiency` is not installed. Please use `aiida-pseudo install` toinstall it.
clean_workdir: false # whether to clean the working directiories
  clean_workdir: false
  kpoints_parallel_distance: 0.2 # kpoints distance in Angstrom^-1 to sample the BZ parallel to the electric field. If used, it should help in converging faster the final results
  property: raman
  # central_difference: # if you know what you are doing, custom numerical derivatives with respect to electric field
  #   accuracy: 2
  #   electric_field_step: 0.0005
    kpoints_distance: 0.4 # kpoints distance in Angstrom^-1 to sample the BZ
    kpoints_force_parity: false
    max_iterations: 5
          max_wallclock_seconds: 43200
            num_machines: 1
            num_mpiprocs_per_machine: 256
            queue_name: standard # for SLURM
          # account: account_name # for SLURM, also for project etc
          withmpi: true
          conv_thr: 2.0e-10
          electron_maxstep: 100
          mixing_beta: 0.2
          ecutrho: 280.0
          ecutwfc: 70.0
          vdw_corr: Grimme-D2
    sleep_submission_time: 1.0
  clean_workdir: false
    distance: 0.01 # atomic displacements for phonon calculation, in Angstrom
    kpoints_distance: 0.15 # kpoints distance in Angstrom^-1 to sample the BZ
    kpoints_force_parity: false
    max_iterations: 5
          max_wallclock_seconds: 43200
            num_machines: 1
            num_mpiprocs_per_machine: 1
          # queue_name: partition_name # for SLURM
          # account: account_name # for SLURM, also for project etc
          withmpi: true
        cmdline: ['-nk', '8']
        # gamma_only: True # to use only if KpointsData has only a mesh 1 1 1 0 0 0 (i.e. Gamma not shifted)
          conv_thr: 2.0e-12
          electron_maxstep: 80
          mixing_beta: 0.4
          ecutwfc: 70.0
          vdw_corr: Grimme-D2
    sleep_submission_time: 1.0 # waiting time in seconds between different submission of SCF calculation. Recommended to be at least 1 second, to not overload.
  run_parallel: true
  use_primitive_cell: false
  distinguish_kinds: false
  is_symmetry: true
  symprec: 1.0e-05

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=line-too-long,wildcard-import,pointless-string-statement,unused-wildcard-import
"""Submit an IRamanSpectraWorkChain via the get_builder_from_protocol using the overrides."""
from pathlib import Path
from aiida import load_profile
from aiida.engine import submit
from aiida.orm import *
from aiida_quantumespresso.common.types import ElectronicType
from aiida_vibroscopy.workflows.spectra.iraman import IRamanSpectraWorkChain
# =============================== INPUTS =============================== #
# Please, change the following inputs.
mesh = [[4, 4, 2], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]]
pw_code_label = 'qe-7.3@newhpc'
structure_id = 21  # PK or UUID of your AiiDA StructureData
protocol = 'fast'  # also 'moderate' and 'precise'; 'moderate' should be good enough in general
overrides_filepath = './overrides.yaml'  # should be a path, e.g. /path/to/overrides.yaml. Format is YAML
# Consult the documentation for HOW-TO for how to use properly the overrides.
# You can follow the input structure provided on the website to fill further the overrides.
# ====================================================================== #
# If you don't have a StructureData, but you have a CIF or XYZ, or similar, file
# you can import your structure uncommenting the following:
# from import read
# atoms = read('/path/to/file.cif')
# structure = StructureData(ase=atoms)
# structure_id =
# print(f"Your structure has been stored in the database with PK={structure_id}")
def main():
    """Submit an IRamanSpectraWorkChain calculation."""
    code = load_code(pw_code_label)
    structure = load_node(structure_id)
    kwargs = {'electronic_type': ElectronicType.INSULATOR}
    kpoints = KpointsData()
    kpoints.set_kpoints_mesh(mesh[0], mesh[1])
    pseudo_family = load_group(pseudo_family_name)
    pseudos = pseudo_family.get_pseudos(structure=structure)
    builder = IRamanSpectraWorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol(
    builder.dielectric.scf.kpoints = kpoints
    builder.dielectric.pop('kpoints_parallel_distance', None)
    builder.dielectric.scf.pop('kpoints_distance', None)
    builder.phonon.scf.kpoints = kpoints = pseudos = pseudos
    calc = submit(builder)
    print(f'Submitted IRamanSpectraWorkChain with PK={} and UUID={calc.uuid}')
    print('Register *at least* the PK number, e.g. in you submit script.')
    print('You can monitor the status of your calculation with the following commands:')
    print('  * verdi process status PK')
    print('  * verdi process list -L IRamanSpectraWorkChain # list all running IRamanSpectraWorkChain')
        '  * verdi process list -ap1 -L IRamanSpectraWorkChain # list all IRamanSpectraWorkChain submitted in the previous 1 day'
    print('If the WorkChain finishes with exit code 0, then you can inspect the outputs and post-process the data.')
    print('Use the command')
    print('  * verdi process show PK')
    print('To show further information about your WorkChain. When finished, you should see some outputs.')
    print('The main output can be accessed via `load_node(PK).outputs.vibrational_data.numerical_accuracy_*`.')
    print('You have to complete the remaning `*`, which depends upond the accuracy of the calculation.')
    print('See also the documentation and the reference paper for further details.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
    """Run script."""

Nicola Marzari

Feb 13, 2024, 1:32:44 PMFeb 13

Dear all,

Just checking - I think aiida has moved to discourse, correct?


Sent from a tiny keyboard... Contact info:

On 13 Feb 2024, at 19:16, Rijan Karkee <> wrote:


Feb 13, 2024, 1:36:02 PMFeb 13
Dear Nicola,

That’s correct. 

So I guess it would be now better to move the discussion there. Please, repost any further question there.

Thanks for your understanding.


Il giorno 13 feb 2024, alle ore 19:32, 'Nicola Marzari' via aiidausers <> ha scritto:

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