Welcome to the Aiglon College alumni group (a discussion forum)
Administrators: Steve McCrea, Iain Barraclough
group was set up by Aiglon alumni to provide a non-proprietary forum
(unlike the Facebook and LinkedIn forums, where content and internal
email exchange is copyright of those domains) for Aiglon alumni, and
also to act as an informal monitor supporting the various Aiglon-related
sites that have sprung up on the Internet.
Your contribution as
an author/editor to the content of this group and the various
Aiglon-related web-based sites (as per the Index of Aiglon-related
links) would be welcome. Many of the alumni seem to be not very
"tech-savvy" and are somewhat challenged by computer technology and so
they feel unable to contribute much directly, themselves. Thus, if you
are "tech-savvy", then you may be able to make a greater contribution
and also assist other alumni, if you are so inclined.
* Membership is by invitation only.
* Viewing of the material in this group is "Restricted", so only members may read it.
* Only members of this group can contribute to material or discussions in the group.
* The group name and its archives are not visible in Google search results or the Google groups directory.
Getting Help to use this group:If you cannot seem to find what you are looking for in this group's web
site, or would like some help on using the site facilities, then
please post a message - either in the main discussion group, or in the discussion area on one of the relevant subject web pages, so that one of the other members or one of the group managers/administrators can respond to you.
If you are looking for other Aiglon sites, then check out the post entitled "
Aiglon-related links".
In using this group, please note the points in
the page entitled "Administration + Etiquette".