Fwd: AIDemocracy looking for chapters and regional coordinators!

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Zeeshan Suhail

Jun 9, 2010, 9:30:06 AM6/9/10
to aid...@googlegroups.com, aid...@googlegroups.com

Zeeshan Suhail

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: AIDemocracy Team <aid...@aidemocracy.org>
Date: Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 9:24 AM
Subject: AIDemocracy looking for chapters and regional coordinators!
To: zeeshan...@gmail.com

AIDemocracy is looking for new Regional Coordinators and Chapters!

AID Regional Coordinators (RCs) complement the work of AIDemocracy central staff by challenging injustice, taking action and promoting alternatives on their campuses, in their region and nationally. They play a critical role in growing and cultivating the AIDemocracy network of over 23,000 students and alumni on campuses nation-wide.

AIDemocracy chapters are groups of globally conscious students talking about global issues and taking action on their campuses and nationally. You bring the interest and desire to be part of the solutions to global challenges. We bring the advice and support to make your events happen. Join the community of thousands of student members and chapters.

Americans for Informed Democracy's (AIDemocracy) vision is that every American young person is empowered to effectively contribute to peaceful, healthy, just and sustainable solutions to the world's greatest challenges. To achieve this vision, we work with young people, particularly college students, to address global challenges of poverty, disease, climate change and conflict through awareness, advocacy and action. Both positions are critical to our network.

Enough said? Ready to get started? Contact us at opport...@aidemocracy.org, or register as a chapter on our website.

Need more information? Check out the complete descriptions of both opportunities below. Don't hesitate to contact us with more questions at opport...@aidemocracy.org.

Job Description: Regional Coordinator

Regional Coordinators (RCs) play a critical role in growing and cultivating the AIDemocracy network of over 23,000 students and alumni on campuses nation-wide. They lead member and chapter recruitment in their region; build relationships with students, university and political leaders; and attend regional and national events on behalf of the AIDemocracy network. They have proven experience working with student groups, and are looking to expand their leadership and organizing skills. RCs ultimately help challenge injustice, take action and promote social change on their campuses, in their region and nationally.


  • Northeast - ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NY, PA, NJ
  • Southeast - DE, MD, DC, WV, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL, KY, TN, MS, AL
  • Midwest - OH, IN, IL, MI, WI, MN, ND, SD, NE, KS, IA, MO
  • Southwest - OK, TX, NM, AZ, AR, LA
  • Rocky Mountain - MT, WY, CO, UT, NC, ID
  • West - CA, WA, OR, HI, AK

Some of these regions may have more than one Regional Coordinator.


  • Lead member and chapter recruitment in the region. Each RC will develop clear and realistic recruitment targets, with the help of AIDemocracy staff.
  • Provide support, guidance and training to student organizers. Support advocacy efforts in the region with help from AIDemocracy staff.
  • Organize regional events and an in-district lobby day with help of AIDemocracy staff.
  • Attend regional and national events on behalf of the AIDemocracy network, ranging from policy debates to student internship and opportunities fairs.
  • Build relationships with students, university and political leaders, both online and via face-to-face meetings and events.
  • Facilitate student communication across the region, for example by connecting student leaders and organizations, creating Facebook groups, and circulating information via email.
  • Keep students in the region up-to-date with the latest news and opportunities from Americans for Informed Democracy. Connect students to AIDemocracy staff, programs and opportunities.
  • Make regular contributions to the AIDemocracy online network.
  • Write monthly contributions for AIDemocracy's blog - The World InSight.
  • Post relevant regional news and events on AIDemocracy's Facebook Group.
  • Tweet about regional events.
  • Communicate with the main office on a bi-weekly basis.
  • Contribute to AIDemocracy's strategy and program development processes via periodic online surveys, evaluations and focus groups.

You'll like this position if you:

  • Like working with friends or as part of a group
  • Enjoy meeting people and staying connected
  • Enjoy connecting people with one another
  • Like keeping up-to-date with and sharing the latest news
  • Enjoy impacting the world beyond your campus
  • Like encouraging people to try new things
  • Enjoy a challenge
  • Are organized
  • Enjoy writing

Training you'll get/skills you'll gain:

  • Recruitment & leadership development
  • Communications, new media & messaging
  • Event planning & promotion
  • Meeting facilitation
  • Campaign strategy, planning, and implementation
  • Network building

What's required:

  • Willingness to invest time and energy to building your organizing and leadership skills, as well as your understanding of U.S. foreign policy. Strong interest in doing the same among your peers.
  • Excitement to work outside your comfort level and your campus, reaching out to your local community, policymakers, and the broader region.
  • At least one year's worth of experience in/with the AIDemocracy network (this might range from reading our newsletters to participating in events to leading a chapter).
  • Experience working with student groups and/or organizing.
  • Attendance at the AIDemocracy Regional Coordinator Retreat in August (we'll cover the cost).
  • Bi-weekly communications with AIDemocracy staff.
  • Physical presence in the U.S. during both semesters of your academic year (if you are studying abroad, please apply again next year!).
  • Access to a computer, internet and a phone.
  • Commitment to work around 10-15 hours/month. Some months may be more, some may be less.


AIDemocracy will cover position-related expenses, such as travel to regional/national conferences, in-district lobby visits, or other universities, materials and funds to put on events, etc. RCs will also receive personalized training and support from experienced AID staff in order to perform their responsibilities. This is a great position for student activists who want to take their organizing and leadership skills to the next level.

To apply:

Contact us at opport...@aidemocracy.org!

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until July 2nd.

Chapter Description:

Ever heard American anthropologist Margaret Mead's famous quote that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world? Student activists have played a decisive role in some of the biggest events of the last century, including campaigns for civil rights, labor rights, divestment from Darfur, anti-war protests, and the 2008 election of U.S. President Barack Obama.

Americans for Informed Democracy is inviting new chapters to join our dynamic nation-wide network of student activists. By starting an AIDemocracy chapter on your campus, you can get involved in resolving some of today's most pressing global challenges.

What chapters do:

  • Organize their peers to host events, dialogues, film screenings, teach-ins, lobby visits, campus campaigns and more, to not only learn about but take action on global issues.
  • Foster a sustainable network of student activists on their campus, ready to respond and speak out about global developments that affect us all.
  • Act as part of a national student movement concerned about and taking action on everything from climate change to nuclear weapons to global poverty.
  • Registered chapters receive the ongoing support and resources necessary to build and lead a sustainable student organization on your campus.

Successful chapters:

  • Meet on a regular basis to discuss issues and plan events/actions.
  • Recruit new members throughout the year.
  • Identify a clear structure of leadership. This leadership will facilitate chapter decision-making and serve as liaison to AIDemocracy staff.
  • Build relationships with other student groups, professors, and administrators on campus, as well as with community organizations that share your vision/goals.
  • Organize regular events and/or campaign actions on your campus. These events may be of your own design or take inspiration from other AIDemocracy events.

Support and resources you'll receive:

  • Chapter Toolkit, which includes basics on recruiting members, hosting events, working with your administration, etc.
  • Chapter Resource Box, complete with colorful tote bags, sidewalk chalk, push pins, and other activist goodies to get you started.
  • Leadership Training & Skills Development. Registered chapters are eligible to receive financial support to participate in a variety of skills and leadership trainings, including our annual network conference in Washington, D.C.
  • Mini-Grants to host speakers, videoconferences, film screenings and other events on your campus. Mini-grants can be used to purchase refreshments, make flyers, advertise your event in the school paper, pay speaker honorariums and other costs associated with your events.
  • Advice on Speakers. Want to educate your peers about an issue, but not sure who to turn to for the expertise? AIDemocracy can help. Tell us your issue, and we'll help you find the right speaker for the job.
  • Event ideas. Excited by an issue, but not sure what kind of event is most appropriate? We'll help you think through different formats, share what other members have done successfully, and guide you through putting your ideas into action.
  • Help Publicizing Your Event. While you tap into local publicity outlets such as community boards, campus bulletins, and local media, we'll email your event details to local folks in your area.
  • Action Alerts, helping you follow and take action on key issues.
  • Leadership Opportunities: Not only will your chapter be eligible to participate in leadership trainings, but you may be offered opportunities to put those skills to further action by joining our national leadership, for example as Regional Coordinator, Student Advisory Board Member, or Staff.
  • Letters of Recommendation: AIDemocracy writes letters of recommendation for its campus leaders. AIDemocracy student leaders have gone on to win prestigious fellowships, get in to top graduate schools, and obtain positions with leading NGOs and institutions.

What we expect back from chapters:

  • Your help in recruiting new members to the AIDemocracy network, either by word of mouth or sign in sheets at an event. These contacts should be shared with AIDemocracy staff as frequently as possible.
  • Organization of at least 2 events per year.
  • Ideas, inspiration and support to other chapters/members in the network. Each chapter is unique. Through photos, blog posts, newsletter pieces, Facebook posts, and Tweets, you will share your experience with other members.
  • Regular communication with AIDemocracy staff. We will reach out to chapter leadership at least twice a semester for a updates on your events you've held, events you're planning, successes, challenges, and what we can do to support your efforts.
  • Participation in AIDemocracy's strategy and program development via periodic online surveys, evaluations and focus groups.

To apply:

Contact us at opport...@aidemocracy.org!

Applications will be accepted throughout the year, but contact us this summer to get ready for next fall.

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