Re: [aida] 20 Years of Aida/Web

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Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas

Sep 7, 2016, 3:10:08 AM9/7/16
Congratulations Janko and the rest of community for all the work behind,
Aida is an important place in the Smalltalk ecosystem and is nice to see
it healthy and mature (20 years!).

I'm using Pharo these days mostly for data visualization and interactive
documentation as a desktop app, and I will be testing some web
publishing at some point, maybe experimenting with Teapot, so having
mature decades old standing environments and new ones is for sure a good
sign about Smalltalk.



On 06/09/16 20:40, Janko Mivšek wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> It happens that Squeak and Aida were actually born on the same year.
> Namely, at summer 1996 the Aida development started and late in this
> year a first Aida project was already online: a bookstore for a major
> Slovenian publisher.
> The next most important milestones:
> - 1998: a Gas Billing System was developed as a pure web application
> with Aida, heading Aida primarily into business web app domain;
> - 2000 Aida becomes Open Sourced and introduced more broadly at first
> Camp Smalltalk in San Diego;
> - 2006: Ajax support, just few months after Ajax was coined, Aida
> already had a fully integrated and seamless Ajax;
> - 2007: Squeak port, a website, mailing list, community building
> - 2009: Aida logo and new website design
> - 2011: Realtime with WebSockets, HTML5, mobile
> Even that it is currently quiet in the community, Aida is evolving and
> consolidating all HTML5 and realtime achievements in 'HTML5 rush
> years', running daily internal web portals in companies, like for
> ISO9000 Quality Management doc systems, Gas Pipeline Measure
> Management etc.
> It certainly proved that its architecture is sound enough to stand the
> test of a time for past 20 years, so it certainly will for many more
> years to come.
> Best regards
> Janko
> _______________________________________________
> Aida mailing list

Aida mailing list

Vladimir Drobnjak

Sep 7, 2016, 7:07:20 AM9/7/16
to Aida/Web general discussion list
Janko, ČESTITKE iz vsega srca!!! To je bilo eno veliko delo :-))


2016-09-06 20:40 GMT+02:00 Janko Mivšek <>:
Hi everybody,

It happens that Squeak and Aida were actually born on the same year. Namely, at summer 1996 the Aida development started and late in this year a first Aida project was already online: a bookstore for a major Slovenian publisher.

The next most important milestones:

- 1998:  a Gas Billing System was developed as a pure web application
         with Aida, heading Aida primarily into business web app domain;
- 2000   Aida becomes Open Sourced and introduced more broadly at first
         Camp Smalltalk in San Diego;
- 2006:  Ajax support, just few months after Ajax was coined, Aida
         already had a fully integrated and seamless Ajax;
- 2007:  Squeak port, a website, mailing list, community building
- 2009:  Aida logo and new website design
- 2011:  Realtime with WebSockets, HTML5, mobile

Even that it is currently quiet in the community, Aida is evolving and consolidating all HTML5 and realtime achievements in 'HTML5 rush years', running daily internal web portals in companies, like for ISO9000 Quality Management doc systems, Gas Pipeline Measure Management etc.

It certainly proved that its architecture is sound enough to stand the test of a time for past 20 years, so it certainly will for many more years to come.

Best regards
Aida mailing list

Vladimir Drobnjak
tel. +386-51-418158


Sep 7, 2016, 11:51:01 AM9/7/16
to Aida/Web general discussion list
Hi All,

Janko congratulations for such a great product !!!



Lorenzo Schiavina

Sep 7, 2016, 12:47:41 PM9/7/16
to Aida/Web general discussion list
Ciao Janco, congratulations!


-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Aida [] Per conto di Janko Mivšek
Inviato: martedì 6 settembre 2016 20.40
A: Aida/Web general discussion list
Oggetto: [aida] 20 Years of Aida/Web

Nicholas Moore

Sep 7, 2016, 2:08:46 PM9/7/16
to Aida/Web general discussion list
Congratulations Janko, well done.


Kjell Godo

Sep 8, 2016, 3:38:35 AM9/8/16
to Aida/Web general discussion list
Up with Aida

On Wednesday, September 7, 2016, Janko Mivšek <> wrote:
Thanks to everyone for nice words!

Best regards

Nicholas Moore je 07. 09. 2016 ob 20:02 napisal:
Janko Mivšek
Svetovalec za informatiko
Eranova d.o.o.
Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel:  01 514 22 55
faks: 01 514 22 56
gsm: 031 674 565

polymorph self

Oct 19, 2016, 4:09:23 PM10/19/16
to Aida/Web Smalltalk Web Framework,,
is aida still being developed?

Any high traffci sites on it?

Can you program in jsut smalltalk? or must you do javascritpt too?

Do in memory image sites run very fast?

are sites easy to evolve?

When I load aida on pharo on debitna 8.6 sometimes it stops when I run updates.....then everything stop working..... is this your expereince?
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