Nuevo Bloque descubierto PODOMETER / New Block discovered PODOMETER

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Jose Mª Martin

Oct 12, 2012, 11:03:51 AM10/12/12

Captura de pantalla de 2012-10-12 11:59:17.png


Oct 12, 2012, 12:27:48 PM10/12/12
you found that in the MIT sources and activated them or you worked with the sources and generated them yourself?
can you say a little bit more?

Jose Mª Martin

Oct 12, 2012, 12:48:11 PM10/12/12
Estoy en mi casa, con el codigo fuente del mit v129 pero con mi servidor propio bajo linux, creo que tu hablas castellano y yo me expreso muy mal en ingles.


Oct 12, 2012, 1:10:47 PM10/12/12
ok, bueno, ya estaba hecho...
¿Que hay que hacer para activar este bloques?

Jose Mª Martin

Oct 12, 2012, 4:13:20 PM10/12/12
Tengo la intención de crear un repositorio con el código fuente ya modificado, pero si quieres probarlo y tienes linux te digo lo que tienes que hacer.

Estoy en busca y captura del tamaño del APK ya que la limitación que actualmente tiene puesta puede ser un incordio para mucha gente, ya he conseguido subir adjuntos de muchisimo mas tamaño, he testeado un fichero de 125 megas con exito, lo que no he conseguido encontrar es porque no es capaz de crear el APK.

Si alguien se apunta a la cruzada ;)  bienvenido será.


Oct 12, 2012, 5:10:48 PM10/12/12
Gary ya tiene la posibilidad de crear APKs de 50MB con su personal server V1.4, vea aqui:
Pienso que 50 MB es una limitación de Google Play, Gary sabe mas...

Jose Mª Martin

Oct 12, 2012, 5:41:17 PM10/12/12
Yo lo he probado y no me funciona, a ti te funciona?


Oct 12, 2012, 6:00:57 PM10/12/12
lo siento, no ha probado eso
Gary esta buscando feedback aqui:!topic/ai4a/Kb87dN2uMLo

Jose Mª Martin

Oct 13, 2012, 6:31:37 AM10/13/12
Si ya hable con Gary pero no esta testado, de todas formas no funciona ya le dije que el cambio no esta completo.

Yo el tema del tamaño del adjunto lo tengo solventado, solo me queda el aumento de tamaño del APK.


Oct 15, 2012, 10:05:58 AM10/15/12
Please translate :)

Im interested :) 

Op zaterdag 13 oktober 2012 12:31:37 UTC+2 schreef Jose Mª Martin het volgende:


Oct 15, 2012, 12:07:31 PM10/15/12
Howdy all

I did some testing with bigger apps and V1.4. It just sorta works. You can load an app that is bigger that 5Mb and it runs when you are testing. It does not build.

I was not planning on the change to make apps bigger till a later release. V1.2/V1.3 used different code to link than V1.4 and the MIT version.

I put the code in on the theory that if it worked, good. If not, someone would say something.

The error is coming from some app engine code. There is a limit of 1Mb on some objects and it returns an error when you try to load more than 5Mb.

I am actually getting some folks kicking $ in!!!

I added a support for the server item to the jsoft store

You can show support by getting $1 or MORE items from the AI4A Server item. If 50,000 folks get $1 each, I have covered my costs for previous development. 
If one person gets $50,000 I have covered the costs and only have to process one transaction :-)

I just helped a school get set up ($50!) and am feeling pretty good. More on the 5MB limit and other things here

Jose Mª Martin

Oct 15, 2012, 12:31:27 PM10/15/12

Hello, I'm no expert.

But it is clear that the failure of APK compilation by the size of the zip is BuildServer out before seeing the code you see perfectly as it is called the error by changing your those values​​, you get nothing because the error is seeking its output and therefore its output in a two expressions are longer than 5 mg and above xx megs.

What if it's possible, I can even create a video so you can see, I'm able to upload a file to the project of any size, avoiding the limitation that your file comets, because that what I have perfectly located, I have no located where it is checking for the generation of error in APK.

Because it is not how it works internally who is the clear delivery errors knowing and labels would be sucked, but the few labels that are not going anywhere.

But as I discuss is one thing I do not like to settle for me because I put dummys and out but if one server to be less limited in features.


Oct 15, 2012, 1:18:36 PM10/15/12

On Monday, October 15, 2012 11:31:27 AM UTC-5, Jose Mª Martin wrote:

Hello, I'm no expert.

when are you going to tell us about the changes to your server

you are as close to an expert as we get :-)

But it is clear that the failure of APK compilation by the size of the zip is BuildServer out before seeing the code you see perfectly as it is called the error by changing your those values​​, you get nothing because the error is seeking its output and therefore its output in a two expressions are longer than 5 mg and above xx megs.

I tested if it worked when it loaded into the test and did not test making an apk.
Once I get twdb doing what I want (for now :-)) I will go back to testing building by linking using the android tools. The 5MB limit is probably not there.

If a bunch of folks show they are interested in making the limit bigger when App Inventor builds an apk, I will switch to that. Kicking in to the jsoft store is a great way to make it clear to me :-)  I'll look at where it is generating the error sooner or later. 

What if it's possible, I can even create a video so you can see, I'm able to upload a file to the project of any size, avoiding the limitation that your file comets, because that what I have perfectly located, I have no located where it is checking for the generation of error in APK.

Because it is not how it works internally who is the clear delivery errors knowing and labels would be sucked, but the few labels that are not going anywhere.

But as I discuss is one thing I do not like to settle for me because I put dummys and out but if one server to be less limited in features.

We need to remove limits!!! 


Jose Mª Martin

Oct 15, 2012, 3:53:29 PM10/15/12
Quería crear un repositorio con los cambios puestos, pero si quieren probarlo solo tienen que hacer esto:

************************* APP INVENTOR MODIFICACIONES  *****************************

 Autor: Jose Mª Martin Sanchez  
 Revisión: 12/Ocutubre/2012
 Temas: 2
 Testeado: No
 Base: MIT Appinventor v129
**************************** AÑADIR COMPONENTE PASOS  ******************************



  public static boolean showInternalComponentsCategory() {
    // Set this to true if you want to show the "For internal use only" section of the components
    // palette in the designer.
    return false;

 Modificación: Sustituiremos el false por un true.


************ ACTIVAR SEGUIMIENTO DE EVENTOS CON Google Analytics  ******************



   public static boolean trackClientEvents() {
    // Set this to true if you want to track events with Google Analytics.
    return false;

 Modificación: Sustituiremos el false por un true.
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