The Chair is tenable for 5 years and renewable once. Appropriate salaries and other financial arrangements will be negotiated by the Vice-President (Research) and budgetary provisions will be made from general University (i.e., non-Killam Chair) resources for secretarial and technical services for the Chair holder.
Applications are invited from scholars in areas related to medical robotics, including the development of advanced assistive robotic systems for surgery, therapy, or post-disability neuro-rehabilitation. This includes, but is not limited to, shape-shifting and soft medical devices that are wearable, implantable, or transplantable, leveraging biocompatible materials or bio-inspired principles, and capable of intelligent environmental interactions such as sensing or manipulation. Example research areas include, but are not limited to, surgical systems capable of autonomous soft-tissue manipulation to actively navigate the complex geometry of the human body, intelligent exosuits for people with disabilities, or smart artificial organs, limbs, and skin for patients in need of transplantation or augmentation. If you are a scholar in any of these areas or in similar applications who seeks to join a Faculty with a growing focus on the healthcare applications of robotics, we welcome your application!
The successful candidate will have a PhD in Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or Computer Engineering. They are expected to be a licensed Professional Engineer in Canada or to become a licensed Professional Engineer through the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA, Licensure must be obtained within five years of the date of hire.
The successful candidate will also have the opportunity to collaborate with researchers at various centres of expertise at the University of Alberta including, but not limited to, Amii (Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute), Institute for Smart Augmentative and Restorative Technologies (iSMART), Women and Children's Health Research Institute (WCHRI), Institute for Reconstructive Sciences in Medicine (iRSM), Cross Cancer Institute, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, and Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute.
The successful candidate may also be nominated for a Canada CIFAR Artificial Intelligence (CCAI) Chair by the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii). Amii is one of three institutes named in the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy and represents more than 35 artificial intelligence (AI) & machine learning (ML) researchers at the U of A, as well as CCAI Chairs at post-secondary institutions across Western Canada. The CCAI Chair includes research funding for at least five years.
The successful candidate will join a dynamic team of faculty contributing to the newly approved Mechatronics and Robotics Co-Op undergraduate program, set to launch in Fall 2025. This program, developed with a strong emphasis on system design, hands-on learning, and co-op education, efficiently integrates electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering to train the next generation of experts in mechatronics and robotics. The new faculty member will have the opportunity to shape and teach courses within this curriculum, contributing to its success while benefiting from the active student engagement in robotics and mechatronics. This involvement will provide a fertile environment for advancing research in robotics and mechatronics, e.g., through collaboration with highly motivated students participating in design project courses.
The candidate will have a research record commensurate with that of a Full Professor at the University of Alberta. For research, this includes a highly-cited body of work published in top peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, a record of securing major research and infrastructure funding, and a record of establishing partnerships with industry. They will be an established and respected instructor with experience at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Their record of service and leadership will show a history of going above and beyond in collegial and professional activities related to their research, teaching, industry, and equity, diversity, and inclusion.