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[jobs] Call for Post-Doc In Cognitive Robotics for Assistive Healthcare

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Rachid Alami

Oct 24, 2024, 3:35:06 PM10/24/24

Call for Post-Doc In Cognitive Robotics for Assistive Healthcare

The context and desired contribution of this Post-doc position is to contribute to identify the needs, the technical hard points and the protocols to overcome the current limitations of robotics-aided care systems, as they are designed and implemented today. The focus will be on the decision-making capacities about situation interpretation and deliberate actions, and about initiatives and interactions in assistive healthcare particularly for old adults.

This work will take place at LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse. It will include:
1) A study to identify the hard points in assistive healthcare that would require robotics developments to meet the interpretation and decision needs of demanding cases;
2) The selection and implementation of a few protocols corresponding to aids of various kinds (cognitive, mobility and physical assistance) and the conduct of experiments in a multidisciplinary framework.

This position is funded by the INNOVCARE project (see: for one year, renewable. It is open to a highly motivated candidate with excellent background in Human-Robot Interaction and cognitive robotics.

The successful candidate will have to work primarily with Rachid Alami ( and Malik Ghallab ( but also with with members or LAAS-RIS team and also with the researchers involved in the INNOVCARE projet. The hired person will take a leadership role in coordinating LAAS participation the INNOVCARE projet.

Position available starting from February 2025 or at a later negotiated date. Applications will be reviewed as they are received.
Salary: between €2991 and €4166 gross per month, depending on experience.


- PhD in Robotics and AI, Human-robot Interaction, Cognitive Robotics or closely related topics
- Excellent academic track record with publications
- Very good English skills, written and spoken
- Strong background in one of the following: AI, Planning, HRI, Algorithmics
- Strong robot programming skills
- Skill to analyze and improve algorithms
- Ability to work as a teammate with other researchers

Familiarity with systems and tools such as ROS, Linux and Git is a plus.

Procedure: Position starting date: February1, 2025 (negotiable)
No application deadline: continual assessment of candidates and hiring until all positions are filled.

Apply by email to

Requested information:
1. Letter of motivation
2. Your full CV (Nationality, Date of Birth, English level, scientific publications)
3. Recommendations Letters

Send application to Rachid Alami, Senior Scientist at LAAS-CNRS (

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