Opportunities and Challenges with Autonomous Racing - ICRA 2021 Full-Day WorkshopWorkshop Date: May 31, 2021
https://linklab-uva.github.io/icra-autonomous-racing/ Important Dates:Submission site opens: March 5, 2021
Submission deadline: May 1, 2021 [Firm deadline, no extensions]
Notice of Acceptance: May 19, 2021
About the workshop:In motorsport racing, there is a saying that “If everything seems under
control, then you are not going fast enough”. Expert racing drivers have
split second reaction times and routinely drive at the limits of control,
traction, and agility of the racecar - under high-speed and close proximity
situations. Autonomous racing presents unique opportunities and challenges
in designing algorithms and hardware that can operate firmly on the limits
of perception, planning, and control.
The goal of this workshop is to attract the interest of the robotics
community on research challenges specific to high-speed autonomous racing.
We aim at bringing together experts and researchers from various robotic
fields explore the challenges associated with modeling vehicle dynamics at
high-speeds, head-to-head multi-agent racing, AI-enabled racing solutions,
sensor fusion, overtaking, state-estimation of opponents, racing simulation
at scale, perception, localization, and planning. Autonomous racing
competitions such as F1/10 Autonomous Racing, Roborace, and Indy Autonomous
Challenge are encouraging researchers to think about these problems. We
expect that this workshop will become the focal point for bringing together
researchers from the growing autonomous racing and robotics communities to
foster collaborative and creative solutions.
Topics of Interest:* Modeling vehicle dynamics at high-speeds
* Head-to-head multi-agent racing
* AI-enabled racing solutions
* Overtaking strategies
* State-estimation of opponents
* Racing simulation at scale
* Limits of perception, localization, and planning at high-speeds.
* Adversarial vs Cooperative
* Balancing safe vs aggressive driving policies
* Hardware-software co-design for autonomous racing
* Hardware AI accelerators for perception
* Software stack and architectures for racing
Paper Submission:We invite short papers (4-6 pages, including references) for submission to
the workshop related to the topics above and the theme of autonomous racing.
Position papers, work in progress and novel but not necessarily thoroughly
worked out ideas are encouraged. The submissions will be reviewed by the
workshop’s program committee and we will accept papers for oral (live)
presentations, or a video highlight. A best paper award will be presented in
both categories. We are currently exploring the possibility of a journal
special issue for the best contributions at the workshop. Accepted paper
will be made available on the website.
The paper should be in PDF format and use the standard IEEE ICRA template.
Please use Easy Chair for Submissions:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ocaricra21 OrganizersMadhur Behl, University of Virginia
Johannes Betz, University of Pennsylvania
Venkat Krovi, Clemson University
Rahul Mangharam, University of Pennsylvania
best regards,
Madhur Behl
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Department of Engineering Systems and Environment
Cyber-Physical Systems Link Lab
University of Virginia