[AIxIA] CFP AIRO 2023: EXTENDED deadline (September 25th, 2023)

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Gloria Beraldo

Sep 13, 2023, 11:26:06 AM9/13/23
to ai-robotics

        [Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement]

              10th Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
                                                   (AIRO 2023)

                                           November 6 - 9, 2023
                                                  Rome, Italy

                                            Held in conjunction with the
                      22nd Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence
                                                  (AI*IA 2023)


** Aims and Scope **

The goal of AIRO 2023 is to foster the discussion about the use of
Artificial Intelligence methods to design intelligent robots.

AI principles and methods play a crucial role in several areas of
Robotics research (e.g., field, service, social robotics, etc.) and are pervasively exploited at various levels of robot architectures.
We argue that robot intelligence is a property arising from the interaction between robots and their environment. As we expect robots to leave
lab settings and to take part to our everyday life, either at home or in public spaces, the notion of AI as a separated and somewhat peculiar
functionality of a robotic architecture shows its intrinsic

On the contrary, the main motivation of AIRO 2023 is the belief that
AI techniques must be considered at any levels of a robotic
architecture, with respect to both hardware and software components.
Sensing, representation and action can greatly benefit from the
adoption of various forms of AI.

The scientific relevance of the workshop is related to how diverse
areas of AI research can be used to design robots able to face complex
challenges in real-world tasks.

The scope of AIRO 2023 encompasses such diverse yet intertwined
research areas as sensing and perception, human-robot interaction,
intelligent control, cognition and adaptation, behaviour and reasoning
models, knowledge representation and computational ontologies, but
also robot engineering tools, real-time software architectures and
fast-prototyping techniques. Starting from these fields, and in
continuity with the previous AIRO workshops, we will explore how robot
intelligence is expected to play major roles when robots interact with
humans and when dealing with everyday not predictable situations, like
human assistance, housekeeping or autonomous driving, just to name
three of the most common trendy scenarios nowadays.

AIRO 2023 is part of an on-going effort to consolidate the Italian
community working on various aspects of the intersection between AI
and Robotics. To foster and strengthen this endeavor, the 10th edition of the
AIRO workshop is organized in close synergy with the Transversal Project 4 (Adjustable Autonomy and Physical Embodied Intelligence) of
the National PNRR MUR Project FAIR (Future AI Research).

** Workshop Format and submission**

The workshop will include oral presentations, system demonstrations
and posters related to the integration of Artificial Intelligence and
Robotics. Invited talks will complement presentations of contributed

Prospective authors wishing to give either an oral or poster
presentation will be required to submit a 5-page extended abstract
(not including references). People interested in showcasing live their
work in the form of a demo, or showing videos of their work, will be
required to submit a 1-page abstract describing the main relevant
aspects of the demo/video.

All the 5-page extended abstracts and the 1-page abstracts will form
the Proceedings of the event, which will be published in the CEUR
Workshop Proceedings AI*IA Series, as in previous Workshop editions,
as well as on the workshop website.

Contributions should be submitted via the AIRO 2023 EasyChair website:

All contributions should be typeset in the **new CEUR-ART style**,
described at: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/sample-1col.pdf
Overleaf users can clone the style from https://www.overleaf.com/read/gwhxnqcghhdt
Offline versions for LaTeX and DOCX are available from http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip

The organizers are negotiating with the Editorial Board of the
Robotics and Autonomous Systems journal to organise a Special Issue on
AI and Robotics.

** Important Dates **

Submission deadline: September 25th, 2023
Notification of acceptance: October 6th, 2023
Camera Ready: November 6th, 2023
Workshop days: 6th-9th November 2023

** Workshop Organizers **

Salvatore Anzalone (Universite' Paris 8, Saint Denis, Paris, France)
Gloria Beraldo (National Research Council, CNR, Rome, Italy)
Alberto Castellini (Universita' di Verona, Verona, Italy)
Alberto Finzi (Universita' di Napoli "Federico II", Naples, Italy)
Fabio Patrizi (Sapienza, Universita' di  Roma, Roma, Italy)
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