CETaS Research Report: "Autonomous Cyber Defence: A roadmap from lab to ops"

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Vasilis Mavroudis

Jun 14, 2023, 7:58:33 AM6/14/23
to AI for Cyberdefence Discussion

Dear colleagues,


CETaS has just published a new Research Report that may be of interest: ‘Autonomous Cyber Defence: A roadmap from lab to ops’. The report brings together and presents the findings of the first major research collaboration between CETaS and Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET) which explored the current state-of-the-art in Autonomous Cyber Defence and its future potential.


The new research presents a proposed definition for Autonomous Cyber Defence – the first definition to conceptualise it as a global good, rather than through a military-centric perspective. Based on in-depth consultation with international government, academia, private sector, legal, and ethics experts, the research identified key requirements for building and fielding trustworthy Autonomous Cyber Defence systems. The report also provides a roadmap for cybersecurity practitioners, policymakers, and researchers to develop and field Autonomous Cyber Defence capabilities.


It is authored by CETaS member Anna Knack, as well as Ant Burke (Camulos.io) and CSET colleagues Andrew Lohn and Krystal Jackson. 

Feel free to share the report with your networks.

Kind Regards,


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