Why don't you come up some time and see me?

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David Simmons

Aug 11, 2007, 5:18:55 AM8/11/07
to AHS class of 1987 reunion for 2007
It's 1:46am on Saturday the 11th and my head is buzzing like a beehive
on a lazy but hot summer afternoon! I live just three blocks from the
Mallard, and on the way home my dress shoes crackled with perfect time
on the concrete as the night air cooled my heated brow. I kept saying
to myself; "What an amazing group of people!" "Wow!" Isn't it
incredible that we all sprang from the same place and yet scattered to
the four winds like ripe seed searching for fresh new earth in which
to grow! And yet, we came home for one night to celebrate our shared
incubation. We recollected our first tentative and alternatively bold
steps into a larger world. We reaffirmed a shared experience that
will continue to shape our perspective in the years still to come.

What a delightful treat to see so many familiar faces subtly altered
by the passage of time, the rejuvenation of new places, things and
people, the reflection of knowledge and wisdom in eyes that see
further than they ever have. As I sit here typing away, flask at my
side, I wonder how many of you will soon find that quiet moment in the
days to come where you will wonder "What lives will they return to?"
"I barely got to talk to them, what are they doing now, are they

It's now after 2am and I guess I should go to bed, but I didn't want
to let this moment pass without putting fingers to keyboard to try to
articulate the nostalgia in the resurgence of feelings from the past.
So many people, so many memories, so many stories, so little time!
Any of you who live in or near the Bay Area, please e-mail me or call
me and perhaps we can get together and reminisce some more!

Dave S.

P.S. Monumental thanks to Joe G. for the excellent photo slideshow
and CD! Much love and gratitude to Gabrielle and Natasha and ALL
those who were involved in the planning, organizing and execution of
an affair that was beyond words (otherwise I'd be typing them!).

P.S.S. I must apologize now for not recognizing everybody. Two
decades is a LOT of time in which to forget certain things. Please e-
mail me at xeno...@att.net and we can catch up digitally!

Joe Ghione

Aug 11, 2007, 12:25:13 PM8/11/07
to David Simmons, AHS class of 1987 reunion for 2007
"Ladies and gentlemen the patio will be closed in 5 minutes". Don't
they get it? This is OUR night!

You know you had a good time when you were kicked out of two venues,
witnessed something being broke at one of our parent's houses and then
managed to piss off the neighbors ;-) Yes special thanks to Gabrielle,
Natasha and Ilya. I tear up like an Native American standing on the
side of a littered freeway when I think of the love they showed for all
of us with their dedication.

I truly wish the best for everybody and for some reason felt proud when
I heard of the great accomplishments of so many.

Seriously let's consider a 25 year reunion, it's a nice round quarter
century, half of us might still look good and it will be our last time
to meet and NOT talk about grand kids.

To quote the actor of our time Tom Cruise... much love!

Mark Rachel

Aug 11, 2007, 3:31:11 PM8/11/07
to Joe Ghione, David Simmons, AHS class of 1987 reunion for 2007
Thank you for your discretion Joe.
By "something being broke", Joe is referring to the back porch railing collapsing at the Kucherenko's and Ana and I falling five feet on our asses...good times.
Can't wait for the picnic, where Ana and I plan to unveil and perform the routine we've been working on since the 10 year, The Tandem-Luge Cordineces Keg-Slide of Death...

Ow, my head...

David Simmons

Aug 11, 2007, 5:20:17 PM8/11/07
to AHS class of 1987 reunion for 2007
Forgot my home phone: (510) 527-9036.

Sorry I can't make the picnic. My sweetie's had a rough week at work,
so I need stay home and massage the stress out of her.

Hopefully, someone will post some pictures soon and I reiterate my
offer to host all the 20th reunion pics on my website!

Dave S.

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