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Submissions Open for the IHEA Annual Student Paper Prize!

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Diane McIntyre

Oct 10, 2024, 8:23:06 AM10/10/24

Really encourage Masters and Doctoral health economics students from Africa to submit their papers.


Call for Submissions for the 2025 Student Paper Prize! Deadline: January 20, 2024


The International Health Economics Association (IHEA) is pleased to invite submissions for the Annual Student Paper Prize in Health Economics.

A student is defined as someone currently studying (full or part time) at a higher education institution, at either Masters or Doctoral level. In addition, students who graduated in the past year (since September 2024) qualify as long as the paper was written while registered as a student.

Papers can be published or unpublished, but must be in comparable format to a published paper in Journal of Health Economics or Health Economics, of maximum length 8,000 words (excluding abstract, tables, figures, references and any appendices). Papers should be in English. Previous winners of this Prize are not eligible to submit a paper.

Papers will be reviewed by an International Committee chaired by Tinna Laufey Ásgeirsdóttir (University of Iceland) and co-chaired by Shiko Maruyama (Jinan University, Guangzhou).

The Prize will be: complimentary registration for the 2025 IHEA Congress to present the paper in a Student Prize Special Organized Session chaired by the IHEA President, or Chair of the Prize Committee; a cash prize; and the offer (if the author wishes, and the paper is unpublished) of potential fast track publication in Health Economics, subject to Editorial approval. The papers in 2nd and 3rd place will receive a small cash prize and complimentary registration for the 2025 IHEA Congress. They will be invited to give brief presentations at the IHEA Congress Student Prize Special Organized Session.  All prize winners will also receive a certificate that will be presented during one of the Congress plenaries.

Students are invited to submit their papers via the online system here (select the “Student Paper Prize” button and scroll to the bottom of the page). You will be asked to complete a form and to upload two files:

  • Your full paper (including abstract, tables, figures, references and any appendices)
  • A cover letter, signed by your supervisor, which outlines your contribution to the paper and research on which it is based (percentage and nature of contribution – conceptualization, data collection, analysis, writing, etc.) and a description of the relative contribution of any co-authors. The student contribution should be at least 75%.


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