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May 1 is just around the corner...

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Athens Indie Craftstravaganzaa

Apr 23, 2010, 2:51:57 AM4/23/10

Spring Craftstravaganzaa will be here in a couple of weeks. We will
set up this May 1 at the corner of Clayton and Pulaski streets in
downtown Athens, GA. That's the lot behind the 40watt.

We are pretty excited about this years Spring Craftstravaganzaa.
Serra got the Caledonia on board, so it will be open for drinks and
food on the patio. We have almost 100 individual vendors, all offering
their handmade goodies. DJ Kurt Wood is returning, to spin his
fabulous collection of Soul, RB and dance music. We also have a kids
tent and excellent edibles from sugarbeet pastry.

Visit our website for show
information, downloadable fliers, photo galleries of past markets,
vendor photos and profiles and more.

I hope you can help us to spread the word, through emailing your
mailing lists, myspace, facebook, twitter, and whatever other creative
ways you can come up with to get folks out! We also have fliers that
can be downloaded from our website, paste a few around your neck of
the woods.

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