ArcAPEX Simulation

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AbdulAziz Bishaw

Nov 17, 2024, 8:44:06 AM11/17/24
to EPIC / APEX Modeling Forum
Dear all
I was simulating streamflow and crop yield using ArcAPEX model interface. BUT after 
delineating watershed, subarea and importing weather data I was able to run the model. But when I try to import the files to APEX Output.mdb and save the data, it displays an unspecified error as shown below. Could you help me to solve it ?  
Thank you

Luca Doro

Nov 17, 2024, 8:48:08 AM11/17/24
to EPIC / APEX Modeling Forum
Dear Aziz,
This kind of errors are always difficult to debug because the error message the interface provide is not very helpful. I know that it doesn't sound like a solution, but have you tried to redo the delineation process starting from scratch? You can make a copy of the ArcAPEX database used now, and create a new project where you can do a new delineation. My guess is that something has been corrupted in the database and is preventing you from continuing the simulation. This can happen if multiple windows for the delineation process are opened at the same time.

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