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Anyone have a way to get a copy of Agilo for Track 1.3.15?

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Jul 6, 2021, 5:07:07 PM7/6/21
to Agilo for Trac
My team ran into a snag, where our Trac server was woefully out of date and needed an update on Python. From there we realized we were running the 1.3.14 (2016) version of Agilo for Trac, and now realize that we cannot find a copy anywhere online. The 14 version does not work with Python 2.7, and we cannot get Python 2.6 working on redhat 6. The zip (if I remember correctly) has everything in it, but we would be happy with just the egg for the free (non-pro) version.

Does anyone have a link or a copy of this that we can get? I am trying to avoid an immediate crash and burn of everything we have in Trac. Thanks.
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