We will try to solve and discuss everything related to Agilo for Trac: issues, installation problems, configurations, features requests... as well as discussing how to make your Scrum life better using Agilo... and what about making Agilo better using your Scrum experience?
Agilo is an Open Source product design to support Teams implementing the Scrum process. Agilo freely downloadable from the Agilo for Trac website. Please remember to search the group first before you start a new topic, and revisit the Agilo Documentation as well.
Please support us by reviewing and voting on Open Source communities and portals, the bigger the community gets the more contributions we will have:
User Stories.Com - Agilo for Trac
FreshMeat.Net - Agilo for Trac
Thanks and Have fun!
The Agilo Team
PS: If you are a new member, your first post will be held back for moderation, to avoid bots posting ads, and someone else spamming ... welcome to the internet :-)