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Agile Portugal 2016 - Call for Speakers

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Filipe Correia

Mar 10, 2016, 5:01:07 PM3/10/16
to Agile Portugal
Olá a todos!

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Agile Portugal 2016
3 - 4 June, Porto

Call for Speakers

Agile Portugal 2016 is an international conference about Agile Software Development and its practices, technologies, attitudes and experiences.

At its seventh edition, Agile Portugal will take place on the 3rd and 4th June, hosted at Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP), in Porto, Portugal.

We encourage you to participate as a speaker and share your experience on a topic of your expertise, by submitting a talk, one that is either inspiring, controversial, or though-provoking. You choose! :)

Important Dates
  • 10 April: Submissions due
  • 26 April: Notification of acceptance
  • 9 May: Conference schedule published

You can submit your talk proposal online here.

Please visit our website for more information or just drop us an email at

We encourage you to disseminate this call among your peers, and look forward to receive your submissions.

Best regards,
Agile Portugal Chairs

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