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Agile Portugal 2018 - Call for Speakers & Call for Sponsors

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Filipe Correia

Mar 3, 2018, 7:04:31 AM3/3/18
to Agile Portugal

Olá a todos,

Aproxima-se a 9ª edição da Agile Portugal. Este ano, de volta no Porto! Estão neste momento abertas a chamada a submissões e a chamada a patrocínios

Envio-vos em baixo a chamada às submissões.

Vêmo-nos por lá :-)


Agile Portugal 2018
May 25th, Porto
Call for Speakers

Agile Portugal 2018 is an international conference about Agile Software Development and its practices, technologies, attitudes and experiences.

This year, Agile Portugal 2018 will be co-located with XP 2018, one of the most recognized Agile conferences. Also, we will be counting with the valuable support of the DevOps Lisbon and DevOps Porto communities.

We encourage you to participate as a speaker and share your experience on a topic of your expertise, by submitting a talk, one that is either inspiring, controversial, or thought-provoking. You choose!

We will have an Agile track and a DevOps track this year. For the DevOps track we are looking for submissions around any of the CALMS topics: Culture, Automation, Lean, Measurement and Sharing.

We'd love to see DevOps case studies providing clear context, what challenges you were facing, what steps were taken and what the results were.

Important Dates

  • March 26th: Submissions due
  • April 16th: Notification of acceptance
  • April 30th: Conference schedule published


To submit your talk proposal please use the button below, which will lead you to the Easychair submission system (click the conferece acronym APT2018). Before submitting please see the full submission guidelines that are listed below.

We encourage you to disseminate this call among your peers, and look forward to receiving your submissions.

Submit Talk Proposal

Submission Guidelines

After logging in at the Agile Portugal 2018 Easychair submission system, please consider the following guidelines to fill in your talk proposal:

  • Author information: Fill in the information for each author/co-author associated with your talk proposal.
  • Title and Abstract: Provide an expressive title for your talk, and organize your abstract into the following sections:
    • Synopsis: 
      Summary of 40-60 words of your talk, to be shown at the website when your talk gets accepted.
    • Long Synopsis: 
      Additional details about your session. Tell us how much you want, and make sure to include your slides or video of the presentation, if this is not the first time you give it. This will help us assess the quality of your submission.
    • Observations: 
      If you want to add any more details, like technical requirements, etc. you can do it here.
  • Keywords: Give us at least 3 keywords where you can fit your talk.
  • Topics: Select one or more topics relevant to your talk.

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