Moved from Austin, wondering what kinds of activities you guys do here

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Jul 12, 2009, 11:12:04 PM7/12/09
to agilehouston
Hey guys,

I just moved here from Austin. I was involved with several Agile
groups there, and there were some particular activities we did there
that I found quite helpful. The AgileATX group had a weekly Agile
Lunch, which I found very useful to meet other Agile practitioners and
learn what other companies were doing. I was also involved in the
Austin Tech Book Club, where we had in-depth discussions about Agile
and other software development topics from the books we were reading.
The last book we read was "Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices
in C#" by Robert C. Martin, which really helped me to sharpen my

So, do you guys have similar kinds of things going on here in Houston?
What are you guys up to?



Ben Rady

Jul 13, 2009, 8:25:03 AM7/13/09
I'm not sure how much the group meets anymore. You might want to check out the local APLN chapter though. Anyone have any more info on that?
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