SAM/ISM - What's it look like from the other side?

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Eric Willeke

Mar 22, 2006, 11:50:25 AM3/22/06
to agilecmmi
The goals and practices in both Supplier Agreement Management and
Integrated Supplier Management seem to be heavily based on the
assumption that the rated organization is generally doing the
outsourcing. It seems that the management on the supplier side should
also be addressed, but it appears that it is only done so through the
various contract management aspects in the other process areas.

So, for a company that rarely if ever subcontracts anything, what do
the processes around these areas look like? Is it entirely covered by
things like equipment purchase plans, etc?

It'd be nice if the company could stay agile and just say "When the
situation arises, we'll define the processes we'll use to manage it."
But, that doesn't seem to fit with my understanding of the expectations
for certification.

Hillel Glazer

Mar 26, 2006, 7:21:50 AM3/26/06
SAM and ISM can be applied even to 'internal' customers -- which has its own implications -- but generally speaking, you are correct, Eric, that you can't get rated to a process area if there is no evidence for it.  The "Appraisal Disclosure Statement" would have to indicate that a process area was found to "Not Yet" be invoked -- which is a new distinction in the appraisal process and I can't recall whether appraisers  are allowed to use it yet or not... I'd have to look it up.

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