万花筒活动: Escaping the Technical Debt Cycle by Michael Feathers, 来自大牛的分享 - "Working Effectively With Legacy Code (修改代码的艺术)"一书的作者 Michael Feathers 做客上海, 时间: 2014年10月22日(本周三)晚上7:00 - 9:30, Odd-e办公室

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Joseph Yao

Oct 20, 2014, 10:49:44 AM10/20/14
to agiles...@googlegroups.com, agile...@googlegroups.com, scrumga...@googlegroups.com
万花筒活动: Escaping the Technical Debt Cycle by Michael Feathers

来自大牛的分享 - "Working Effectively With Legacy Code (修改代码的艺术)"一书的作者 Michael Feathers 做客上海

时间: 2014年10月22日(本周三)晚上7:00 - 9:30, Odd-e办公室  

Michael 的畅销书"Working Effectively with Legacy Code" (中文版名叫"修改代码的艺术") 可以说是在遗留代码上进行单元测试乃至重构的"葵花宝典". 本书中介绍的很多依赖解除的方法使很多看似无法添加单元测试的遗留代码问题迎刃而解, 实为程序员必读的书籍之一. 同时, Michael在软件开发领域有很多的经验, 对测试驱动开发, 重构和软件设计等方面的功力非常深厚. 

他这次的话题是"Escaping the Technical Debt Cycle" (逃离技术负债循环), 是他将在11月份的 Agile Singapore 大会中分享的话题之一. 该话题是用"英文"分享的, 下面是话题简介.

Most teams have some amount of technical debt. Others are crushed by it. It really shouldn’t be this way. For decades we’ve been aware of good development practice. We know the things that we should do to avoid incurring technical debt and start paying it back. Clearly, something else is going on.

In this talk, Michael Feathers will explain the root cause of technical debt and the reason why it persists as a problem. There are solutions to the problem but they aren’t in the places we’ve been lead to expect - it is not just a matter of developing better and refactoring more.

在 Michael 的分享之后, Odd-e 办公室的"房东"之一, 姚若舟, 将给大家分享 "Transformation Priority Premise Deep Dive", 也是他将在 Agile Singapore 大会中分享的话题. 姚若舟将以现场写代码的形式来进行分享. 喜欢TDD和Kata的朋友不可以错过. 该话题是用"中文"分享的, 下面是话题简介 (来不及改成中文了).

I have been practicing test driven development (TDD) over four years. I believe Baby Step is one of most difficult parts by learning TDD. "How should I choose the next test to drive my code in the easiest and smallest way?" is a very common question raised by TDD newbies. Unlike refactoring, there is no clear describable methodology in this area. Near the end of year 2010, Uncle Bob created a concept called Transformation Priority Premise (TPP) which throw a light into this area.

In this talk, Joseph will share his thoughts and experiences of applying TPP in TDD.  

• How can TPP help to do baby step in TDD
• A wrong order in current TPP list? 
• TPP and Problem splitting in TDD. How TPP working together with the problem splitting skill we apply in TDD, which is a key value of TDD as design methodology.
• How is TPP related to refactoring? How to identify the real transformation given that doing transformation and refactoring in one TDD cycle.

时间:2014年10月22日(本周三)晚上7:00 - 9:30

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