Install issue

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Dec 11, 2014, 10:03:48 PM12/11/14
Hi Guys,
1st post.  Unfortunately it's to repeat an install issue.  At step 3 I get the following error msg...
ALTER TABLE ab_account ADD FULLTEXT INDEX fulltext_user (first_name, last_name, email, company)
Error (install_sql-3): The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes
I believe it has to do with modern sql setting up differences between Engines InnoDB and MyIsam
My sql version (5.5.8) uses default of InnoDB when installing the tables (I checked. which is fine, and modern).  However the AgileBill install script obviously wants to alter some tables structure (hense the error described above) during the initial installation.
So, what to do about this?
1.  Should the tables be FORCED to install as ENGINE MyIsam?  Or...
2.  Should the core code be rewritten to restructure the tables in the first place?  Or...
3.  Is this software just another instance of 'good gear, but WAAAY out of date & therefore not worth installing?
Option 3 would really be a pity, considering the work that has gone into this thing.
Comments, suggestions, any fixes are most welcome.  Thanks.
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