Hello, introduce myself

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Xavi Montero

Jan 26, 2014, 7:20:18 AM1/26/14
to agile-system-...@googlegroups.com
Hello all,

New in the group, just wanted to introduce myself.

I've been in the IT world for decades. Although the "devops" term is rather new, I'm one of those techies practicing that thing from many many years ago. I personally range from pure hardware, systems, to programming in various high- and low-level languages.

A few months ago I was hired as a CTO of a company. We've many problems and one is that we lack the "devops" culture. Systems are done "the old way" causing the typical problems we all know ("it works in my machine", "who the hell changed that library in the live server?", "scripts of sysadmins are not versioned and changed on the fly without any testing" and blah blah blah).

Would you believe that the "devels" worked connected to the real mysql database so if they did a mistake in the devel cycle they erased real rows of data??? huh! I've lots of things to change!

I've a lot of work to transform in the culture. Even i'm finding two people in the team a bit reluctant to the agile and i'm finding problems at having a good motivation for them to understand that despite the extra effort of "going everything repeatable, testable and so" it's worth going that way.

I'm hiring more people. Frontends, backends, testers and admins. Those positions for systems I did not want to post as "sysadmins". I already wanted to post the job offers as "devops". So I've been googling a bit around the word and today I found this "agile system administration" google group.

I'm joining just because I want to be in the loop, exchange experiences, establish contacts, and so.

If I had to throw my first question in the group would be:

If I want to hire good senior devops, do you know any job-board or forum where to post the offer?

We have offices in Spain and NewYork. People from around Europe or in fact from around the world are welcome to our office. I'm posting in Infojobs (spanish board) and I also want to post to LinkedIn but maybe you know any other europe-wide or world-wide job-board good to find experienced senior devops.


James Bailey

Jan 28, 2014, 6:21:47 AM1/28/14
to agile-system-...@googlegroups.com
Hello Xavi,

it is good to see that devops is being led from the very top of an organisation.

I wouldn't try to hire a Devops as they don't exist, in the same way you wouldn't hire an Agile but a developer with Agile experience. You are looking to hire two people a senior operations engineer or Sysadmin with devops experience and a developer with devops experience. Devops is a philosophy a socio-political cultural movement, and at its best praxis.

The new hires will help but you need to spread the culture within your existing organisation. You have an office in New York get them to buy several hard copies of "The Phoenix Project" and distribute them to your senior line managers, you are CTO order them to read it! ;) When they have read them get them to pass them down the line.


Secondly get your dev and ops people in the same room order pizza and get them to watch this video of Etsy's journey from middle of the road startup with broken process, crashing systems and profit killing downtime to the poster boys of the devops movement and more importantly to the business very profitable. Have a QA at the end and ask people how they think they can get there.


I am not sure I gave you the answer you are looking for but it might be the answer you need.

Regards JIm

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