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Format for next Tuesday

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Ed Wong

Nov 9, 2010, 4:07:18 PM11/9/10
to Agile Oxford
I'd like to start off a thread with a few possibilities about the
format for next week.

a - Open Space:

In essence. Topics for discussion are written on flipchart paper and
groups are formed to discuss those topics.

b - World Café:

Sounds like a coffee shop at WOMAD but it's not that disimilar to Open
Space, except participants are seated at tables "café" style, they
discuss a topic and then move, leaving one person at the table. This
is repeated a couple of times.

c - A volunteer or volunteer gives a talk and then a discussion

d - A different format.

No matter what format we choose, I would like to to have a space to
discuss what we would like future meetings to consist of.

Please let us know your thoughts.

James Geall

Nov 9, 2010, 6:50:28 PM11/9/10
d)  Park bench.  Similar to open spaces but three people(on the bench) discuss the topic chosen.  Anyone can ask a question that the bench can answer, but to voice an opinion or answer a question you have to replace someone on the bench.


Nov 17, 2010, 4:37:13 AM11/17/10
to Agile Oxford
Thanks for organising last night. I certainly enjoyed it. I was
surprised but encouraged by the number of people new to agile who
wanted to learn more.

In terms of format for future meetings, we could do some agile games.
I think these are useful for giving novices a feel for agile
techniques. There is a whole site dedicated to them here: and Bill Wake has some here:

It would just be a question of which one and who would organise (I'd
happily volunteer to run one)


On Nov 9, 11:50 pm, James Geall <> wrote:
> d)  Park bench.  Similar to open spaces but three people(on the
> bench) discuss the topic chosen.  Anyone can ask a question that the bench
> can answer, but to voice an opinion or answer a question you have to replace
> someone on the bench.
> similar to
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