August 4. Stuff I'm starting to know now that I really wish I'd known 20 years ago, with Jon Jagger. Free talk.

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James Chesters

Jul 11, 2011, 1:07:05 PM7/11/11
to Agile Developer Skills
Over and over again true masters of our profession tell us the same

In The Secrets of Consulting, Jerry Weinberg writes: "It's always a
people problem."
In Peopleware, Tim Lister and Tom DeMarco write: "if you find yourself
concentrating on the technology rather than the sociology, you're like
the vaudeville character who loses his keys on a dark street and looks
for them on the adjacent street because, as he explains, "The light is
better there."
In The Mythical Man Month, Fred Brooks writes: "The Mythical Man Month
is only incidentally about software but primarily about how people in
teams make things."
In Patterns of Software, Richard Gabriel writes: "My overall bias is
that technology science, engineering and company organization are all
secondary to the people and human concerns in the endeavour."

This is a presentation Jon Jagger wishes someone had given him when he
was younger -- but now he's older, he feels he is starting to
understand the deep underlying truths they were trying to tell him.

Get more info and sign up for this free talk here:

Charlie Poole

Jul 11, 2011, 1:29:37 PM7/11/11
This seems very like an advert. :-)

> --
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James Chesters

Jul 12, 2011, 7:30:18 AM7/12/11
to Agile Developer Skills
You make a valid point, Charlie -- perhaps I should phrase posts of
this nature as more of a discussion. In light of which, what stuff do
you "really wish" you'd known 20 years ago?
> > Much of the discussion in the group is predicated on several resources summarized on the wiki at  Please review this regularly.  To request editing permissions for the wiki, send an email to either of these gmail addresses: richardjfoster or redhotglass .

Mark Levison

Jul 12, 2011, 11:25:11 AM7/12/11
Top posting because I'm writing from my phone.

First up I was ok with the original ad. It seemed revenant to ADS I.e.
It was about skills. The only negative was it was tied to a location
and not relevant to a global group.

On skills I wish the me of 20 yrs ago appreciated feedback loops and
more importantly understood people, emotions (at work) et al.


> Much of the discussion in the group is predicated on several resources summarized on the wiki at   Please review this regularly.  To request editing permissions for the wiki, send an email to either of these gmail addresses: richardjfoster or redhotglass .

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