I just want to know from the group if any one has worked as an Agile Coach as a full time employee with the company.. How has the experience been as compared to be a Consultant for some time and then move on or work with a Agile consultancy company working for different clients..?
What do you prefer if you have a choice and why?
Not as such. I have done dual role.
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Congratulations on being so settled.
I have always bounced between employee and consultant. It is hard on your trip to disappear into practice but it is good for your skills and empathy.
I'm probably done with that now that I'm of a certain age, because I'm less interested in a "real job" and far more interested in the things I can learn and apply as a consultant/teacher. My rep has never been more important to me and with it comes opportunity to do good on the world.
Pierre E. Neis
Senior Scrum Coach
Lean Agile Coach
Change Architect
19 place Bleech |L-7610 Larochette | Luxembourg
M: +352 661 727 867
email: pierre@wecompany.me
web: http://thescrumcoach.wordpress.com/
Meet with me: http://meetwith.me/pierreneis