from Walt re: request vegan items on Saipan

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The Ageless Adept

Jun 8, 2022, 2:58:22 AM6/8/22
to, Alexander Camacho
Hi all!
cc: Alex Camacho
This is specifically for folks on Saipan! Alex Camacho, the buyer at Payless Supermarket in Susupe, is committed to keeping the shelves and refrigerators stocked with healthy/vegan/vegetarian/organic items requested by those of us here on island. 

To make that possible, however, the wholesaler from which Alex purchases these items requires a minimum dollar amount order.

So, if you have favorite item (e.g., vegenaise, tofurky, brown rice tortillas, smart bacon, soy margarine, tofu burgers, tempeh, etc.,) that you'd like to see on the shelves, please contact Alex at right away, and before FRIDAY of this week with your request. 


The Ageless Adept™
Author of A Clean Cell Never Dies, and Worm Fast. Worm Free!,
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