Hi Tim
interesting point about the foam not covering the chips.
I myself use door seal foam and cut it into 3/4 inch strips.
Then the tags are laminated.
One strip goes horizontally across the chip top and bottom and then another strip vertically across the middle of the tag. It is impossible for any part of the tag to be contacted to a wet shirt or body and yet most of the tag has an air gap (Which is the best insulator of all)
I found since I started doing this I have had 99% read rates constantly.
Very cheap way of doing it too.
A 10 meter roll of that foam would cost approx 1.50 euro.
I agree with you wholeheartedly that the Monza R6 is by far the best tag, I done a lot of testing on the cheaper 3d frog thinking it was going to be better ( Not affetcted by orientation) but this proved not the case in real live racing