On 1/6/06, TNovotny <tnov...@newnewz.biz> wrote:
Ditto - no AGEdit for me. It worked for a while, but when John postedI think I have it solved.
Something saying he recompiled Dick B.'s editor, I tried installing
It over a previous version that worked. Now it is not useable.
Tom Novotny
New News Productions
Using the magic of VMWARE to have a clean copy of XP that reverts back
to clean evertime I start it, and REGMON to watch what registry entry
AGEDIT is looking at when it give the error message I've figured out
what two registry entries AGEDIT wants.
If you open this REG file on your machine (adding it's entries to your
registry), it should suddenly work for you. I've tested this on a
completely clean machine (virtual machine) that has XP and fixes on
it, no other software.
If it works for everyone, I'll modify the installer to create these
registry keys.
(This REG is a text file, you can read it yourself with any text
editor. Here is what is says)