Fwd: [occ-env-med-l] ExxonMobil Job Openings - Assistant Occupational Health Manager (Occupational Health Physician)

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읽지 않음,
2016. 2. 7. 오전 4:49:1116. 2. 7.
받는사람 oemforum african
Good morning and happy new year!
Anyone interested?

Have a blessed day.


Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Jerry Strohkorb, MD MPH FACOEM" <jstro...@gmail.com>
Date: February 6, 2016 at 7:03:18 PM GMT+1
To: Occ-Env-Med-L <eff...@yahoo.com>
Subject: [occ-env-med-l] ExxonMobil Job Openings - Assistant Occupational Health Manager (Occupational Health Physician)
Reply-To: "Jerry Strohkorb, MD MPH FACOEM" <jstro...@gmail.com>

I wanted to let everyone know that we have two job openings at our ExxonMobil sites in Baytown, TX and Baton Rouge, LA.  Any interested candidate must apply through the ExxonMobil Jobs external website (see address below, if links are not active copy and paste into address bar) – Many thanks!

Baytown: 24995BR

Baton Rouge: 25001BR

Jerry E. Strohkorb, MD MPH FACOEM
Occupational Health Manager, Baton Rouge Area

ExxonMobil Corporation
Medicine and Occupational Health Dept
4045 Scenic Highway, EMPR 125
Baton Rouge, LA 70805

Email: jerry.e....@exxonmobil.com

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