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afrimapr useR keynote & June community meetup

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Jun 14, 2022, 9:38:50 AM6/14/22
to afrimapr
Dear colleagues,

We are very excited to share more information about the afrimapr keynote that will be presented next week, 22 June 2022 @ 16:00 - 17:15 CAT.

Since this event overlaps with our regular afrimapr community meetup, we will not be running our normal schedule and instead will resume in July.

More information about useR! is available at

We hope some of you will be able to participate in the conference and workshops.

Thank you for being part of this community! We hope the keynote will do this community justice and open more opportunities to grow and learn together!

Kind regards,

Anelda and the afrimapr team
_afrimapr June.pdf
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