Re: ||NaijaObserver|| Nigeria needs agbo jedi jedi…?

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Jul 7, 2024, 9:18:21 AM (yesterday) Jul 7
to Prince Charles Dickson, webmaster, Google Inc., Naija Observer
 AGBO JEDI JEDI is a Nigerian herbal preparation that claims to treat just about anything from back pain and haemorrhoids to impotence, for a bargain £4 ($6). It is on sale in the shops of south London’s “little Lagos”.”….Prince Nwokedi Charles Dickson.

Prince Nwokedi from SE or SS, Agbo jedijedi is not used to cure most of the conditions you rambled off above.
What you ascribe to Agbo jedijedi belongs to Agbo-gbon-se, which means the Agbo that cures all or many ailments………that’s not Agbo jedijedi.

As a writer you should have done thorough research before going to CyberTown on this craps you wrote below.
I just wanted to correct you on this one, I’m on weekend sabbatical.
I can’t waste my Sunday on crapolas.
Take care and enjoy our Sunday.
"Repetition is the favorite weapon of the Ignoramus, to elicit annoyance without added value" - Afis
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On Jul 7, 2024, at 3:02 AM, Prince Charles Dickson <> wrote:

Nigeria needs agbo jedi jedi…?

By Prince Charles Dickson PhD


I like the way an Economist Special report on Nigerians abroad as Secret weapon on June 18th 2015 introduced agbo jedi jedi..


AGBO JEDI JEDI is a Nigerian herbal preparation that claims to treat just about anything from back pain and haemorrhoids to impotence, for a bargain £4 ($6). It is on sale in the shops of south London’s “little Lagos”. 


Agbo Jedi Jedi is a herbal concoction used to treat a disease commonly known as Jedi Jedi. Derived from natural ingredients like scented leaves, grapefruit, juice extracts, bitter leaf, sorghum leaves, naphthalene tablets, and garlic. Agbo Jedi Jedi is part of a long-standing tradition of herbal medicine and is usually sold in its crude and unprocessed form. The World Health Organisation and the Nigerian government have recognised the value of herbal mixtures in treating Jedi Jedi and similar ailments.


Despite the natural origin of its ingredients, the safety of Agbo Jedi Jedi is not guaranteed. Often sold on the streets or in markets in its raw, unrefined form, these herbal concoctions raise significant health concerns.


The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) recommends that such herbal drugs be marketed in refined, processed forms, with clear labelling of their contents. This measure aims to educate the public about the substances they consume.


However, many street-sold Agbo Jedi Jedi mixtures lack NAFDAC certification and are distributed in their crude form. Recent studies have linked the use of unregulated Agbo Jedi Jedi and traditional medicines to severe health issues, including acute renal (kidney) failure and liver failure.


However, the truth is that, with Agbo Jedi Jedi, there is always the danger of contaminants and improper dosage, the risk of contamination is high; some Agbo Jedi Jedi preparations have been found to contain heavy metals, orthodox pharmaceutical drugs, and harmful microbes. Moreover, the absence of standardised doses complicates the safe use of these mixtures, making it difficult to avoid overdoses.


Particularly concerning is the use of Agbo Jedi Jedi by pregnant women, for whom it has been deemed harmful. Despite endorsements by older family members and cultural acceptance, the potential health risks associated with Agbo Jedi Jedi cannot be overlooked.


While herbal remedies like Agbo Jedi Jedi play a significant role in traditional medicine across Africa, it's crucial to approach their use with caution. Ensuring the safety, purity, and appropriate dosage of these remedies is essential to prevent adverse health outcomes. As the conversation around traditional and herbal medicine continues to evolve, informed choices and regulatory oversight will be key to safeguarding public health.


Now that I am done discussing Agbo Jedi Jedi, I can get to the meat of my conversation and with head held high say that Nigeria needs a cocktail...Nigeria's challenges are multifaceted and complex, necessitating a combination of solutions rather than a singular focus on the leadership malaise. 

So, permit me to use this traditional Yoruba herbal mixture often used for treating various ailments, particularly those related to digestive issues. Metaphorically, suggesting that Nigeria's problems need an "agbo jedi jedi treatment" means we need a holistic, thorough, and perhaps traditional approach to address the nation's multifaceted issues. And for a good exploration of how this metaphor can be applied to Nigeria's problems, follow me:

Holistic Approach

Just as agbo treats multiple symptoms, Nigeria needs a comprehensive strategy that tackles various problems simultaneously:

  • Economic Diversification: Reducing reliance on oil by developing other sectors such as agriculture, technology, and manufacturing.
  • Education and Healthcare: Investing in quality education and healthcare to build a healthy, knowledgeable, and skilled population.
  • Infrastructure Development: Enhancing infrastructure to support economic activities and improve the quality of life.

Root Cause Analysis

Agbo is believed to address the root causes of ailments rather than just symptoms. Similarly, Nigeria must identify and address the root causes of its problems:

  • Corruption: Tackling systemic corruption through robust anti-corruption measures.
  • Leadership Accountability: Ensuring leaders are accountable and transparent in their governance.
  • Social Inequality: Addressing social inequalities to reduce poverty and promote social cohesion.

Traditional and Modern Solutions

Agbo represents a blend of traditional knowledge and practices. Nigeria can benefit from combining traditional wisdom with modern solutions:

  • Cultural Integration: Leveraging traditional values and community-based approaches to foster unity and social harmony.
  • Innovative Technologies: Utilizing modern technology to improve efficiency in governance, healthcare, education, and other sectors.

Community Involvement

Agbo is often prepared and administered within communities, reflecting the importance of community involvement:

  • Grassroots Participation: Engaging local communities in decision-making processes to ensure their needs and perspectives are considered.
  • Local Empowerment: Empowering local leaders and organizations to take charge of development initiatives and problem-solving.

Preventive Measures

Agbo is also used for preventive health, aiming to maintain overall well-being. Nigeria needs preventive measures to avoid crises:

  • Proactive Policies: Implementing proactive policies to prevent economic downturns, social unrest, and environmental degradation.
  • Early Intervention: Establishing early intervention mechanisms to address emerging issues before they escalate.


Agbo promotes long-term health benefits. Similarly, Nigeria needs sustainable solutions:

  • Environmental Sustainability: Promoting sustainable practices to protect natural resources and combat climate change.
  • Sustainable Development: Ensuring development projects are sustainable and beneficial in the long term.

In case you are still in doubt, let me reiterate irrevocably that our agbo jedi jedi must effectively tackle;

1. Leadership and Governance

  • Good Governance: Effective leadership is crucial for driving policies and ensuring good governance. This involves transparent, accountable, and inclusive leadership at all levels of government.
  • Anti-Corruption Measures: Corruption remains a significant impediment to Nigeria’s progress. Robust anti-corruption measures and institutions are essential to curb this issue.

2. Economic Development

  • Diversification: Nigeria's economy is heavily dependent on oil. Diversifying the economy through agriculture, technology, and manufacturing can create sustainable growth and job opportunities.
  • Infrastructure Development: Improving infrastructure, such as roads, electricity, and water supply, is vital for economic activities and overall development.

3. Education and Healthcare

  • Quality Education: Investing in education is crucial for empowering the youth and building a skilled workforce. This includes improving access, quality of teaching, and infrastructure.
  • Healthcare System: Strengthening the healthcare system to provide accessible and affordable healthcare for all Nigerians is essential for a healthy population.

4. Security and Stability

  • Addressing Insurgency and Violence: Tackling insurgency, terrorism, and communal violence through a combination of military, socio-economic, and political strategies is necessary for stability.
  • Police and Judicial Reforms: Reforms in the police force and judicial system can enhance law enforcement and ensure justice, reducing crime and violence.

5. Social and Cultural Integration

  • National Unity: Promoting national unity and integration across Nigeria’s diverse ethnic and religious groups can reduce tensions and foster a sense of belonging.
  • Social Welfare Programs: Implementing social welfare programs to support the vulnerable and marginalized populations can enhance social equity and stability.

6. Environmental Sustainability

  • Addressing Ecological Degradation: Implementing policies to combat environmental issues like desertification, deforestation, and pollution is crucial for sustainable development.
  • Climate Change Adaptation: Developing strategies to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change can protect communities and ensure food security.

With these few points of mine, I am sure I am able to convince and not confuse you that Nigeria’s problems indeed require an "agbo jedi jedi treatment" – a comprehensive, holistic, and community-centered approach that addresses root causes, combines traditional and modern solutions, involves the community, emphasizes preventive measures, and ensures sustainability. By adopting such an approach, Nigeria can effectively tackle its multifaceted challenges and pave the way for a prosperous and stable future, and while leadership plays a critical role in addressing these challenges, Nigeria’s problems, which are deeply rooted and systemic, require a comprehensive and multi-pronged approach. Effective leadership must be combined with targeted economic, social, environmental, and security interventions to create a sustainable and prosperous future for Nigeria. We need agbo jedi jedi, and yes it comes with a price—May Nigeria win 


Prince Charles Dickson PhD
Team Lead
The Tattaaunawa Roundtable Initiative (TRICentre)
Development & Media Practitioner|
Researcher|Policy Analyst|Public Intellect|Teacher
234 803 331 1301, 234 805 715 2301
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Jul 7, 2024, 10:30:54 AM (yesterday) Jul 7
to Prince Charles Dickson, webmaster, Google Inc., Naija Observer
Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 7, 2024, at 9:18 AM, Afis <> wrote:

“ AGBO JEDI JEDI is a Nigerian herbal preparation that claims to treat just about anything from back pain and haemorrhoids to impotence, for a bargain £4 ($6). It is on sale in the shops of south London’s “little Lagos”.”….Prince Nwokedi Charles Dickson.

Prince Nwokedi from SE or SS, Agbo jedijedi is not used to cure most of the conditions you rambled off above.
What you ascribe to Agbo jedijedi belongs to Agbo-gbogbonse, which means the Agbo that cures all or many ailments………that’s not Agbo jedijedi.
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