Some ideas from a visitor!

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Jul 16, 2007, 3:04:23 PM7/16/07
to Aeonity Discussion Group
Since you have a feature called the upload picture feature and have a
picture directory, I think there could be more ideas to make improve
this feature such as:

When already having a "images" folder for each users, and being able
to upload images, how about adding an additional sub folder called
"gallery". Where the gallery folder, users can upload images created
by them and mark them in 4 different categories. As long as it's work
safe. Photos for pictures taken from a digital camera or else, Artwork
created by the users themselves, Screenshots taken by from either
various games like Battlefirld 2, HL2, WoW, or games created/
programmed by themselves, and Misc for anything that does not fit.

On the revised blog templates there should be a gallery section on the
menu selections.

VOX Almost had a good example of this but they called it "Photos"

The main folder is not be public because it's used for pics that makes
up a graphical blog template.

The bottom line is, that it requires more work for the moderators to
make sure that there is no work theft or anything inappropiate pics of
anykind uploaded from any random users that comes along.

Well lets see how this perposed idea goes.


Jul 16, 2007, 3:11:26 PM7/16/07
to Aeonity Discussion Group
Some great ideas, I will have to organize the thoughts and add them to
the spreadsheet. Thanks for putting your 2 cents in.
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