pointing out on suggestions.

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Jul 9, 2007, 12:38:33 AM7/9/07
to Aeonity Discussion Group
Because I have a few suggestions to make regarding Aeonity.

I think it's not the first time I visited this but wanted to point out
a few things to add to aeonity if possible:

1. Subdomain feature. Example: yourname.aeonity.com Is this possible
or would this be costly to do?

2. Templates need a major revamp. Or at least there needs to be a new
templates that will be viewable for browsers with 1024x768 and more.
The text in the entry looks a bit squished, and text needs to be a bit

3. interests feature.. I hate to bring that up again but it would be
interesting to give users a feature where they can fill out different
types of interest and other people can search for them.

say.. how is version 3 going along?

It looks like this group hasn't been updated for a long while.

Jim Worthen

Jul 9, 2007, 12:01:41 PM7/9/07
to aeo...@googlegroups.com
Version 3 is going very slow. Its tough with just one programmer whose working on many different projects, full job, a wife and a house that has to be fixed up.

Version 3 is probably going to be done in increments, it will actually start out as v2.x.x   depending on what additions I release and how much they effect the current code etc.

Priority right now is Comment moderation, which is nearly complete and almost ready for testing. that would be v2.1.0 we will see if I can have it done by the end of July.

As for the subdomain feature, we are not going to support it. We feel that the aeonity.com/username is sufficient.

Templates do need a major revamp, we have not updated them in sometime, part of the reason was we were debating of going to a new template system. We are still debating on the subject and once we do some additional features and create some tutorials we will probably open up a new section for template designing where users can create templates for users at aeonity and have them available for all the users. Again this is a pretty rough task to undertake and don't expect to see it anytime soon, but it is in the thinking works.

Interests features are going to be added, such as tag clouds and categories. Again those are both in discussion of how do we want to implement them.

Thanks for the feeback, feel free to leave any other suggestions etc.

Jim Worthen
Emocium Inc.
PHP, Database and  SEO Specialists


Jul 9, 2007, 12:07:22 PM7/9/07
to Aeonity Discussion Group
One extra suggestion:

Make a valid email address required to sign up for a blog, and make it
required for the user to click on the activation before the journal or
blog thing can be used.

Jim Worthen

Jul 9, 2007, 12:10:49 PM7/9/07
to aeo...@googlegroups.com
That is already implemented. The feature that needs to be changed is require email validation for changing of an email. Currently a user can change their email to a non-working one and it works. This will be updated and the user would be require to re-validate their email within 7 days before the account is locked out.

It is in the making.
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