AENET-MD simulation error

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Sachin Gautham M B ch19d020

Apr 18, 2022, 10:42:36 AM4/18/22
to aenet
Dear Dr. Artrith:

I have been using aenet extensively for predicting a generic polymer nanocomposite system. I have 2 Questions:
1. Does aenet accepts non-atomic symbols like np or ch etc. or it should be a chemically specific system.?
2. The attached file has the error message, where I'm running the aenet based LAMMPS simulation using pair-style aenet. Could you please assist me to run my simulations?
Thank you for your reply.

Sachin Gautham MB

Sachin Gautham MB
CH19D020 | Ph.D. Scholar | Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai - 600036
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