Is there a delay between data shown in the AdWords interface and API data?

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Han Kim

Aug 18, 2017, 1:34:33 PM8/18/17
to AdWords Scripts Forum
I have an AWQL script that pulls my keyword data and pushes to a spreadsheet on schedule.
It works fine but the problem is the numbers rarely match with I see in the interface. They are usually lower.
Is there a delay between data shown in the interface and API data?
If so, is there an official documentation from Google that explains this?

Thank you

Anthony Madrigal

Aug 18, 2017, 2:27:00 PM8/18/17
to AdWords Scripts Forum

Yes, there can be a delay when using reporting through AdWords Scripts. Some stats can be delayed for up to 3 hours, while other stats are only updated once a day. You can find more information on our Data Freshness guide.

AdWords Scripts Team
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