Re: Filter for placements. Difference in ui and script

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Maximilian Rabe

Oct 26, 2020, 12:14:57 PM10/26/20
to Google Ads Scripts Forum
Would appreciate any answer from you.

On Monday, October 26, 2020 at 5:13:24 PM UTC+1 Maximilian Rabe wrote:
I am confused. I want to search for all placements with more than 10 clicks and a conversion rate below 30%. Inside the ui I see 8 entries. But if I am running a script with same filters, only 3 placements are shown up. Screenshot from 2020-10-26 17-09-50.png
This is the ui. And here is the script log.

10/26/2020 5:00:11 PM 173
10/26/2020 5:00:13 PM 2542
10/26/2020 5:00:13 PM 3111

And this is the script: 
function main() {
  var placementIterator = AdsApp.display().placements().withCondition("CampaignStatus = ENABLED").withCondition("ConversionRate < 0.3").withCondition("Clicks > 10").forDateRange("LAST_7_DAYS").get();
      var placement =;
      Logger.log(placement.getUrl() + " " + placement.getStatsFor("LAST_7_DAYS").getImpressions());

Google Ads Scripts Forum Advisor

Oct 26, 2020, 10:19:26 PM10/26/20

Hi there,

Thank you for raising this to us.

So our team could better check this, would you be able to share with us your customer ID via Reply privately to author or Reply to author option?


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Mark Kevin Albios
Google Ads Scripts Team


Maximilian Rabe

Oct 27, 2020, 5:07:37 AM10/27/20
to Google Ads Scripts Forum
I am not able to reply. Says permission denied for this group.

Google Ads Scripts Forum Advisor

Oct 27, 2020, 9:21:41 PM10/27/20

Hi there,

Thanks for your response.

You may send those requested details on this email ( In addition, please include the link of this thread so we could keep track of this existing conversation.


Google Ads Scripts Forum Advisor

Oct 29, 2020, 6:26:45 AM10/29/20

Hi there,

Thank you for sharing with me your CID.

I was able to recreate the issue you've encountered. That said, allow me to raise this first with the team to gather their insights on this. I'll be updating this thread for any available information.


Maximilian Rabe

Oct 30, 2020, 8:34:21 AM10/30/20
to Google Ads Scripts Forum
Thanks for your help. 

Maximilian Rabe

Nov 4, 2020, 5:48:32 AM11/4/20
to Google Ads Scripts Forum
I recognized that mobile app placements are not available in scripts. But there are still some missing. Also a thing is that youtube always gets sum up to a number I cant follow in the ui. 

Google Ads Scripts Forum Advisor

Nov 4, 2020, 10:47:33 PM11/4/20

Hi there,

Thanks for getting back to us.

As per this documentation, I can confirm that Mobile app placements are not supported in the Google Ads scripts. Our team already raised an FR for Mobile App placements; however, there is no guarantee if this will be supported soon in the Google Ads Scripts. Please follow our blog for future updates and new releases instead.

As for this statement: "Also a thing is that youtube always gets sum up to a number I cant follow in the ui.", could you provide more details on this so we could check on our end?


Maximilian Rabe

Nov 6, 2020, 3:20:39 AM11/6/20
to Google Ads Scripts Forum
Screenshot from 2020-11-04 12-02-38.png
This is the number. If I am filtering for same info inside Ui, some YT channels appear, but they are far away from 60k impressions. So this number from youtube is for me something that appears magically. And where are these YT channels inside the scripts? So everything related to YT gets sum up? To an number I cant follow. Super confusing. In general there are some differences in the ui compared to the script. Impressions almost always differ slightly. And like I said some placements are just not shown. For this example the placement on was missing but had been shown in the ui. 

Google Ads Scripts Forum Advisor

Nov 6, 2020, 5:00:40 AM11/6/20

Hi there,

Thanks for sharing a screenshot of the issue.

Would you be able to share with us the name of the script so we could also check on our end? Also could you provide the UI screenshot where you've compared those script results? Please mask any sensitive data that might be included on the screenshot.


Maximilian Rabe

Nov 6, 2020, 10:56:03 AM11/6/20
to Google Ads Scripts Forum
Thanks for your reply.
The scripts name is exclude bad placements.
I will sent you screenshots via mail. Unfortunately the script was executed in the middle of the day and some numbers were added after that. But still some placements are not in the scripts logs that appear in the ui. And the Youtube number is also not shown in the ui. Date range set in the ui is Oct29 - Now. 4. At the day I discovered this it was set to last 7 days.

Google Ads Scripts Forum Advisor

Nov 9, 2020, 2:23:25 AM11/9/20

Hi there,

Thank you for sharing additional details on this issue.

I will be adding these details to the previous discussions that I've shared with the team. Rest assured that I will be updating this thread for any available information.


Google Ads Scripts Forum Advisor

Jul 29, 2021, 2:26:24 AM7/29/21

Thanks for your patience. Harry here, teammate of Mark on the Google Ads Scripts Team.

Please excuse us for the delay, but allow me to provide you updates on the issue you are encountering. I would like to inform you that the when you are comparing data between the UI and scripts is that you have to make sure you're looking at the same view and retrieving the same scrips obejct. The "Where Ads Showed" view isn't directly correlated with the "Placement" view or would show the same data. When you are retrieving Display Placements, use the AdsApp.​Placement object which you can compare with the Placements view in the UI filtered with Display network. For YouTube Placements, I believe you would have to use the AdsApp.​VideoPlacement object instead. In addition with looking at the UI data, kindly take note of filters, columns that you select and the date range in which these should be applied to the script as well otherwise, it would result into discrepancies and confusion.

Furthermore, Google Ads UI reports or via scripts and API are subject to Segmentation so I would recommend that you retrieve the Placement Performance Report instead through scripts. This report returns rows for managed and excluded placements at the ad group level. To see placements excluded at the campaign level, use the Campaign Negative Placements Performance Report instead. See Reports guide in scrips and examples in this link for your reference.

Let me know your thoughts or if you have questions.

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Harry Cliford Rivera
Google Ads Scripts Team

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