Bulk upload exception

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john doe

Jul 25, 2017, 9:40:26 AM7/25/17
to AdWords Scripts Forum
I use scripts to make copies of my existing campaigns (groups, ads, keys). 
Since there is no copy function for entities, I just gather all data and upload it via Bulk upload.
But there is an issue with ads and keywords, which were initially uploaded with exception request in AdWords Editor.
Since Bulk upload has no exeption request feature, I cant upload this keywords and ads this way and have to fix it manually.
The questions are:
- do I miss something? maybe Bulk upload has this functionality and I just did not found it? API version has special handlers for this issue, btw.
- maybe there is the way to copy entities without going through full reuploading process? I only need entities that already exist and reviewed.
- can I at least receive upload results in scripts, to make some workaround based on it?
Any other thought?

Anthony Madrigal

Jul 25, 2017, 2:52:21 PM7/25/17
to AdWords Scripts Forum

Yes, that is correct. There is no exemption requests in AdWords Scripts. What you can do is download the ads and keywords from the AdWords UI and use that spreadsheet as a template for the bulk upload.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with.

AdWords Scripts Team

john doe

Jul 26, 2017, 4:04:21 AM7/26/17
to AdWords Scripts Forum
Thanks, but how will it help me? I dont have problems uploading most of the content. I use Reports functionality (.formatForUpload()) and it works fine, unless i get keyword or ad that previuosly was manually uploaded with exception. I need something to deal with this automatacally, no UI, templates, Editor etc needed.

Anthony Madrigal

Jul 26, 2017, 11:51:19 AM7/26/17
to AdWords Scripts Forum

So if I understand correctly, you are just looking to bulk upload all your entities using an exemption request using AdWords Scripts. Unfortunately, that is not possible nor is it possible to "copy" entities. 

Your best bet to do this in bulk would be to use AdWords API.

Please let me know if I have misunderstood or if you need to further clarify something.

AdWords Scripts Team

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