Load Campaign from a Spreadsheet

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Jan 16, 2018, 8:03:35 AM1/16/18
to AdWords Scripts Forum
Hello forum! I wanted to know if there are any script that allows to load campaigns from a spreadsheet in GDrive.
I found ways to do it from AdWords Editor, but a script would be much more comfortable.
The idea is to create a spreadsheet with all the necessary parameters, paste the URL in the script, execute it and create a campaign automatically.
Thank you!

Sravani Yelamarthi (AdWords Scripts Team)

Jan 16, 2018, 3:05:35 PM1/16/18
to AdWords Scripts Forum

To achieve your goal, you can use the bulk upload. You can make bulk changes to your account by uploading data in CSV format. You can upload data from a CSV file from Google Drive, a Google spreadsheet, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, or construct a bulk upload request in your script at runtime. Bulk upload allows you to create, edit or delete campaigns, ad groups, keywords and text ads. You can also edit existing ad group criteria, ads and product groups

Please follow the guide here to get started and let me know if you need further assistance.

Sravani Yelamarthi
AdWords Scripts Team


Jan 17, 2018, 9:07:23 AM1/17/18
to AdWords Scripts Forum
Thanks! I will try it as soon as I have time
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