issue :Date is after allowed maximum

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Xu Rico

Aug 30, 2022, 5:46:08 AM8/30/22
to Google Ads API and AdWords API Forum
We found a upload response (not a request error) when we upload data,

(Date is after allowed maximum ), the data we upload will not beyond the current date time of actual upload ,since it is not feasible to grab data in the future.

For example in the last email. We uploaded those conversion action happened on 2022-08-29  and we uploaded them via API on 29th Aug, but it still failed

So is there a time range(or time zone ) for your server which user can be allowed to upload? 


Xu Rico

Aug 30, 2022, 5:52:08 AM8/30/22
to Google Ads API and AdWords API Forum

Google Ads API Forum Advisor

Aug 30, 2022, 12:33:27 PM8/30/22
Hi Xu,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Moving forward to this,"I believe the data we upload will not beyond the current date time of actual upload ,since it is not feasible to grab data in the future." and "So is there a time range(or time zone ) for your server which user can be allowed to upload?"
-Since you are encountering “Date is after allowed maximum” then you are getting DateError:LATER_THAN_MAXIMUM_DATE, this occurs when the conversion event was uploaded for a future date, or when the time zone part of the datetime is not worked out.

Here's more from Upload ClickConversion
- The conversion_date_time must have a timezone specified, and the format is as yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss+|-HH:mm, for example: 2022-01-01 19:32:45-05:00 (ignoring daylight saving time) . The timezone can be for any valid value: it does not have to match the account's timezone.

Also enter your GMT offset by indicating + or - and then the 4 digit time difference. (For example, New York is offset by -05:00, and Berlin by +01:00). If you use Greenwich Mean Time, then simply enter +00:00 It could be tricky so this needs care.

And for this, “First error: Too short., at conversions[1].gclid
- There could be an issue with the actual GCLID string you are passing and might have incomplete characters. You can ensure that the GCLIDs you are uploading are indeed correct and existing in your account by generating the click_view report and verifying the value via the click_view.gclid.

Should issues persist, you may provide the complete request and response logs, and request-id, so our team can investigate further. If you haven't yet, python logging can be enabled by navigating to this Logging documentation, and by using the DEBUG (instead of INFO) log level.

You may then send the requested information via the Reply privately to author option. If this option is not available, you may send the details directly to our alias instead.

Best regards,
Google Logo
Google Ads API Team


Google Ads API Forum Advisor

Aug 30, 2022, 12:57:35 PM8/30/22
Hi Xu,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Since you are getting “timestamp already exists for this click”, you may note that this is under the CLICK_CONVERSION_ALREADY_EXISTS error type, To upload another conversion, you may use a different timestamp. Moving forward, you may also refer to this documentation having a few things to keep in mind when creating a ClickConversion, it includes this “If you upload a duplicate conversion (that is, a ClickConversion with a gclid, conversion_date_time, and conversion_action that was previously uploaded), a CLICK_CONVERSION_ALREADY_EXISTS error is returned.

If the above doesn't help, could you send us the complete API logs(request and response with request-id) generated on your end? Note that this can be requested or provided to the developer handling the Google Ads API transactions when logging of the API requests has been enabled.

These are the specific guidelines to enable it.
You may then send the requested information via the Reply privately to author option. If this option is not available, you may send the details directly to our alias instead

Moving forward to another error you have encountered, which is “the click or call is owned by a customer account that the uploading customer does not manage
-The only reason why the error occurred is because you have uploaded GCLIDs that do not belong or have been created on the client accounts under the hierarchy of MCCs you used. With this, you can verify if the GCLIDs indeed belong to those MCC accounts by using the click_view .

And for the “(Date is after allowed maximum), the data we upload will not beyond the current date time of actual upload ,since it is not feasible to grab data in the future. For example in the last email. We uploaded those conversion action happened on 2022-08-29 and we uploaded them via API on 29th Aug, but it still failed So is there a time range(or time zone ) for your server which user can be allowed to upload?

-Since you are encountering “Date is after allowed maximum” then you are getting DateError:LATER_THAN_MAXIMUM_DATE, this occurs when the conversion event was uploaded for a future date, or when the time zone part of the datetime is not worked out.

Here's more from Upload ClickConversion
- The conversion_date_time must have a timezone specified, and the format is as yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss+|-HH:mm, for example: 2022-01-01 19:32:45-05:00 (ignoring daylight saving time) . The timezone can be for any valid value: it does not have to match the account's timezone.

Also enter your GMT offset by indicating + or - and then the 4 digit time difference. (For example, New York is offset by -05:00, and Berlin by +01:00). If you use Greenwich Mean Time, then simply enter +00:00 It could be tricky so this needs care.

Best regards,
Google Logo
Google Ads API Team

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