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Discover v2009: In Case You Missed It

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AdWords API Advisor

Dec 2, 2009, 4:30:13 PM12/2/09
Here are some recent additions to our Discover v2009 series of blog
posts, articles, and documentation updates.

More Dynamic Ads with Ad parameters
"We're excited to announce that a new feature of the v2009 API, called
Ad parameters, is now available. Ad parameters enable you to change
numeric information (for example: prices, discount percentages, etc.)
within your text ad, while keeping the history and statistics
associated with the ad."

Setting ad parameters with the AdParamService
"In a blog post yesterday we introduced ad parameters, a new AdWords
feature that allows for dynamic insertion of numeric and currency
values into ads while retaining ad history. To manage ad parameters, a
new service was added to the v200909 API: the AdParamService."

New Ad Types
"The release of the new v200909 included a number of improvements and
new features. Among these additions are new ad types: DeprecatedAd,
LocalBusinessAd, MobileImageAd, and TemplateAd, which are all part of
the AdGroupAdService."

and don't forget...

Version v200906 beta will be shut down on February 2, 2010
"The v200906 API, which we released as a limited beta in June 2009,
will be shut down on February 2, 2010. The recently-launched v200909
API is a full replacement for v200906 and it adds substantial
additional functionality. For most developers, the migration from
v200906 to v200909 will be just a matter of updating the version in
the namespace and re-compiling/building their application.
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