How to Update fieldType BUSINESS_NAME in assetGroupAssets for a PMax Campaign

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Antony Kiên

Nov 19, 2024, 2:32:35 AM (3 days ago) Nov 19
to Google Ads API and AdWords API Forum

Hello everyone,

I've been working with Google Ads API to manage Performance Max campaigns and encountered an issue while trying to update the BUSINESS_NAME fieldType in assetGroupAssets.

From the documentation and my own tests, I understand that to update an asset group asset, one must either:

  • Delete the old asset first (if there's room within the resource limit for that type), then create a new asset.
  • Create the new asset first, then delete the old one.

This approach worked well for updating HEADLINE and DESCRIPTION. However, I'm facing issues with BUSINESS_NAME due to its strict limit of 1 asset per asset group:

  1. If I delete first, the API throws an error:
    Sao chép mã
    { "message": "Business name asset for a valid asset group is not enough." }
  2. If I create first, the API throws a different error:
    Sao chép mã
    { "message": "The request would cause a limit on the number of allowed resources of this type to be exceeded." }

On the Google Ads Dashboard, it's possible to update the BUSINESS_NAME without hitting these issues. Is there any way to replicate this behavior through the API? Any guidance or workaround for this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

Google Ads API Forum Advisor

Nov 19, 2024, 6:37:19 AM (3 days ago) Nov 19

Thank you for reaching out to the Google Ads API support team.

I understand you're seeking guidance on whether it's possible to update the BUSINESS_NAME asset using the Google Ads API. Please note that assets, including images (ImageAsset), videos (YoutubeVideoAsset), etc., are shared across multiple ads and are immutable. This means they cannot be updated via the API. If you need to stop an asset from serving, you must remove it from the entity using it. 

For HEADLINE and DESCRIPTION asset types, you were able to create new ones and remove older ones because the maximum limit for these assets is 15 and 5, respectively, allowing flexibility to add and remove as needed. However, for the BUSINESS_NAME asset, only one asset is required per asset group. As a result, you cannot create a new one or delete the existing one. For more details, I would recommend you to refer to the Required assets documentation.

The approach you mentioned involves creating new assets and removing older ones, but this does not equate to updating an asset. Unfortunately, there is no way to directly update assets using the Google Ads API.

This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vGl00:ref" (ADR-00276031)

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